BLACK FRIDAY: Sisters of Battle 40k Army Box Contents & Value

sisters of battle army boxIf you’re dying to know what may be coming in the new Sisters of Battle 40k army box for this holiday season, you’ll definitely want to see this!

While we took shots in the dark of what might be inside the Army Set earlier, GW surprised us with some minis nobody was expecting and revealed the true contents of what was inside. Now that we know exactly what to expect in the realm of minis, there have since been prices emerging over the web showing what the Army Set will cost.

We know they are coming. Check out the rumored pricing for the releases hitting store shelves on November 30th including the Sisters of Battle army box.

Nov 29 Product Release Pricing Rumors

november 29 product pricing rumors

Pricing from @wagamingdaveSisters of battle army setOne of the most anticipated releases of 2019 looks to be the Sisters of Battle Army Set. While we’ve already gotten an official word at what’s inside the box, it looks to be weighing in at $210 according to these rumors. Surprisingly, if these rumors are true it looks like this is the only Sisters release we’re seeing for the near future!

People that buy this might be sitting with under a thousand points of new Sisters for a while with no other releases in sight for 2019.

New Sisters Preview Images:

These have been collected from various forums and websites like Dakka Dakka, and Miniwars. They may not be the original source.

Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews

First off this sprue seems to show multiple figures (including the penitent engine) all on the same sprue akin to something like the Dark Imperium or Shadowspear starter. It does not appear to be separate multipart component sprues inside the army box (at least for these models).  While they do not appear to be the push peg style of ETB miniatures (like Warhammer Underworlds etc), they certainly are not normal multi-part kits.

Our guess is this sprue plus two other identical sprues to each other will make up the new Sisters Starter box.

We can probably make two conclusions from this.

  1. This may explain why the Army box is rumored to be “only” be priced at $210, which includes at codex and data cards, when other sets like Blood of the Phoneix were $230 and contained no supplements or accessories but were multipart component kits.
  2. It may also explain why no other Sisters models are releasing around the same time (according to rumors). This may have been the fastest path to market for the Sisters Games Workshop could muster in time for the holidays.

Either way, the models look great, and hobbyists will be able to get started this year on their armies! Painted versions of what appear to be the models on this sprue were also spotted.

Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews


Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews


Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews


Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews


Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews


Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews


Painted Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle previews

Sisters of Battle Army Set Contents Revealed

sisters of battle army setAfter taking multiple educated guesses and spotting clues around the web, we’ve finally got the official contents revealed being:

  • 1x Canoness
  • 10x Battle Sisters
  • 5x Seraphim
  • 1x Repentia Superior
  • 4x Repentia
  • 3x Arco Flagellants
  • 1x Penitent Engine

sisters codex

  • Exclusive Edition of Codex: Adepta Sororitas
  • 1x Warhammer 40,000 Core Rules booklet
  • 1x Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet
  • Adepta Sororitas Datacards
  • 12x Dice

The Army Set Value of Playable In-Game minis

Sisters of battle army set


These prices aren’t exact. We’re going off of the recent price jump noticed across all GW products as well as the usual price increase for a new sculpt. Adding up all of the best guesses for the new minis, which we know what they value the Battle Sisters squad at $60 because of their recent giveaway.

  • 10x Battle Sisters $60
  • 1x Canoness $35 (preview figure on separate sprue)
  • 5x Seraphim  $35 (1/2 box price of the GW $60 price point)
  • 4x Sisters Repentia $50 A squad of 9 Sister Repentia plus a Mistress of Repentance are sold for $60 in the metal form currently. 
  • 1x Repentia Superior $30 If she won’t be included in a boxed kit of Sister Repenria later down the line, she’ll probably remain as an independent clam shell character. Being T3 and unnamed, she’ll probably be a little cheaper than the named Primaris characters running for $40
  • 1x Penitent Engine  $60
  • 3x Arco Flagellants (A squad of three old models goes for $25). With updated sculpts and the 5-10% price jump for GW products, we may see three valued around $35
  • Codex Sisters of Battle $40
  • Sisters Datacards  $15

Total MSRP: $400 (ESTIMATED)

Army Set Retail Price: $210 Potential Savings: $190

While nothing is officially confirmed on the prices, this is just a decent educated guess. As for the army set value, it’s looking to be an expensive Box Set. Especially for one person to purchase all by themselves. However, the overall “value” is there (by GW’s standards), even if they are not all multipart models in the box.

What do you think the overall value of the Army Set will be? What do you think will be the factions’ most popular units? Are any coming in this Army Set?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!