Bold Predictions For New Daemons In January

By Rob Baer | December 26th, 2017 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Warhammer Rumors & News

nurgle peview

Come checkout our BOLD predictions for New Daemons releases, and pricing for all the new releases that are coming our way in January from Games Workshop

First off if you missed the big Daemon reveal yesterday (Spoliers) you will want to get caught up on that for sure. Go read up on that, we’ll wait.

Wow we knew Daemons were on the way in January, but it looks like they are coming in hot with Nurgle at the helm for sure!

Here is our predictions on the all the new unit’s pricing and composition that were just spotted in GW’s 7 days of Christmas video:

Remember folks these are just educated guesses based on working out our hobby muscles in the GW trenches everyday.

Typhus Wal Hor

From the look of these models, none are 40k specific so it is entirely possible that this release, while relevant to 40k, would tie into the AoS Maligned Portents more than the 40k side of things. Perhaps the 40k release itself will just consist of the Daemon rulebook, datacards and dice, with these models playable over in 40k as well?

Remember the first stand alone Daemon Army release back in 2007/08 was for BOTH systems; 40k, and Fantasy (at the time).

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Blight Tree: A new piece of terrain, or something… else?

If this is a separate piece of terrain kit and not something from say the base of the great unclean one. Perhaps it will have functionality much like the Genestealer nodes work now for Tyranids, but for Beasts of Nurgle instead.

Cost could be around the same as the Copse terrain set of trees from ladder years; $40.  (currently on the Sylvaneth Wyldwood is available on GW site for $88)

plastic nurgle daemon preview new modelsTwo New Heralds of Nurgle?

These guys just look awesome, from Mr snoots on the left using his own Daemon Blood for ink, to the little guy munching all the paper below him, up to the Slimer mouth on his shoulder. This guy obviously has something to say. 40mm base?

On the right is Plauggie the happy bearer who again looks to be some sort of character or perhaps herald with an ability for either 40k or Age of Sigmar. Accompanying him on his shenanigans is DJ Jazzy B the dancing nurgling who is quite happy indeed. 32mm base?

I would put the guy on the left at $35 and $25 for the bagpipe Plaguebearer, or perhaps they are part of a combo kit that would be priced similar to the Lord Felthius and his 3 blighty friends $40 total.

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

What looks to be Three Beasts of Nurgle with interchangeable top heads and hands (webbed and clawed)

Wow, it has literally be a lifetime for some hobbyists looking for a better beast model. We got the toads from Forge World a while back, but there was just something about the Beasts that kept folks coming back.

Well here they are!

I would put these at kit of three with interchangeable heads, “torsos”, and “hair” for $50 a kit. Similar to Aggressors etc in pricing because you will need / want to buy multiples of them.

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Blight Rider type models, again like the Beasts, appear to have a basic rider and mount type frame that can be changed out with different “heads” and or “torsos”.

These appear to have nothing to do with 40k armament wise, leading us to speculate on the AoS slant to the release. Plague drones are $60 for a kit of 3, and I imagine these fellas will follow suit with that same style of offering this January.

And the big guy himself. The Great Unclean One that has been universally identified based on posting and weapon load out:

I could see this guy definitely having more weapon options just like his brothers the Lord of Change, and Bloodthirster do. Plus you can expect his price to match as well: $115 all day.


That’s enough waxing prophetic from us, as I am sure there will be more teasers on the way from Nottingham in the coming days, and at the New Years Open next Tuesday as well.

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Checkout the latest on the new Daemon previews by looking back at what we had seen already in the previous weeks:

It’s Warhammer TV’s 300th paint tutorial and they did it in style. Duncan can be seen showing us how to paint Nurgling skin on a little fella we haven’t seen yet. Take a look for yourself.

Can you believe it?
It’s Warhammer TV’s 300th daily bite-sized painting video.

To celebrate, we have a special episode where Duncan paints up an unusual minion of Nurgle…

New Nurgling

The new Nurgling can be seen riding on the back of a  fly with his tongue flapping in the wind.

Does the mount remind you of anything we’ve seen before? The Plague Drones of Nurgle (below) may immediately come to mind.

This teaser isn’t long after MiniWarGaming made a comedic video in the Games Workshop headquarters and we got a look at a new beast. Dave can be seen in the video sitting down to paint and giving us a clear view of a new Nurgle model we haven’t seen yet.


The new model is clearly Nurgle, this is the first we’re seeing of it, and it strongly resembles the ugliness below.

beast of nurgle

BeastofNurgle-resinPerhaps a beast of Nurgle maybe?

Could this have anything to do with the latest rumor with the new Daemons Codex rumor that we saw last month?

This is a rumor after all so make sure you add a plenty of salt, and by salt we mean is it:

fake or real

via anonymous readers on Faeit 212
Visited the 40k Open day with friends yesterday, and got a sneaky peak at the rear of the new demon codex. No pictures though! Can confirm a new Great Unclean One model, Horticulous Slimux is in there and some kind of new Nurgle demon I have never seen before. The GUO is very similar in size to the Forgeworld version. The New demon was similar to plaguebearers in height but a lot bulkier. Only one too, so could be a new character/herald?

Didn’t get a long look before being ushered away!

So, if this rumor is true, we’re going to be seeing the new Horticulous Slimux model, some new Nurgle Daemons, and a new Great Unclean One mini. But, will the new Great Unclean One be made out of plastic or resin?

We’ve already seen the release of the Horticulous Slimux model for Age of Sigmar, so if anything his rules will just be included for 40k.

Horticulous Slimux

This is the first we’ve heard of anything pertaining to new releases accompanying the Daemons codex release. But, given the source, we highly recommend you don’t take it as 100% truth. Once we find out more we’ll be sure to let you know. Until then, tread lightly on this one.

Are you looking forward to the new models that was teased in the video? What do you think about the latest recent rumors? Do these sound believable? Or is it simply another rumor that will not amount to anything? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.