Come see the new rules for the Combat Phase and decide for yourself if shooting or assaulting will carry the day in the new 8th edition 40k.
Scanner is at it again with the new Quick Reference card for 8th edition. First we saw the turn structure worked, then the movement phase, and attacking. Now we’re seeing how the FIGHT (Combat) phase works!
Again the fight sequence looks to be very straight forwardly similar from Age of Sigmar, with two big exceptions:
First the attacker gets to chose which of his assaulting models attack and in what order, BEFORE the defender (remember you can spend command points to interrupt this):
Secondly, models in 40k can still consolidate (in albeit limited fashion):
Resolving Close Combat Attacks and Morale all look to be on par with the teasers we got from Games Workshop as well:
Wow from these rules it looks like assaulting has the potential to be a very quick and one sided affair in a lot of cases. However without seeing every dataslate yet we can only continue to speculate if combat or shooting will truly carry the day in 8th edition.
Hungry for more? Checkout the rest of the pages from the 8th Edition quick reference that were spotted and judge for yourself if they will bring balance to 40k.
What are your thoughts on the new Force Organization rules for 8th Edition? Let us know in the comments below.
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