Did We Already Have A Release Date for 8th Edition 40k?

marine 40k 8th edition space

Games Workshop said they will be giving us a release date for 8th edition by the end of the month. But have they already given us all the information we need?

This has been one of the tightest lipped release Games Workshop has ever put out. There’s has been little to no rumors surrounding it, and news coming directly from the source for the most part. Which brings us to our main question… Do we already have a release date for 8th edition? Has Games Workshop provided us enough info and hints to narrow down an exact date?

Let’s take a look at what we know so far and you be the judge:

Mystery Question Investigate

Multiple Warhammer and GW Stores confirmed that they must have all their new terrain put together by June 10th for a “special event”. Is this going to be a release date for 8th? Just a teaser? Or something completely different? The chances of it being related to something other than 8th edition are slim to none.

June 10th, seems like we’ve seen this date before… In the Big Release Dates article we put out back in February there were three key dates in June. The 3rd, 10th, and 17th.

But what about what the announcement we saw in May’s White Dwarf?


Games Workshop is delaying the release of June’s White Dwarf by almost two weeks. But why? Signs point to 8th Edition. Does this mean a release date before the 16th, or just an announcement? There’s definitely enough out right now that tells us next month’s WD is going to have some 8th edition content in it. But they’ve already revealed a lot, so what else could be inside the covers that would be that revealing that they would have to delay it nearly two weeks past when they normally release the magazine?

Remember also the Saturday before is June 10th. Coincidence, or is a pre-order / release date for 8th Edition starting to gel?

Now we come to our last and final point, the FAQ they put out yesterday on the Primaris Space Marines. At the bottom of the FAQ they had this nice little teaser:

Guilliman be blessed, these guys are rad! When can I get them?

Primaris Space Marines will be available alongside the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. Oh and while we’re on the subject, we’ll be announcing the release date before the end of this month…

Primaris Space Marines Profile

After an official announcement Games Workshop tends not to stretch out the release longer than two weeks. Which, two weeks after the end of the month is June 10th… There’s that magical date again… So take it as you will, all signs seem to be pointing to the same date in June, but we will find out soon enough for sure.

Until then all we have is our educated guesses, and speculations. Games Workshop has done an amazing job at maintaining secrecy throughout this entire release. Some people think it’s been drawn out too long, some people are enjoying every single day of announcements, but everyone seems to be looking forward to the release no matter what.

What are your thoughts? When do you think 8th edition will be released? Let us know in the comments below.

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