Everything We Know About 9th Edition 40k Sisters of Battle

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-title-sisters-of-battleIt’s no secret the 9th edition Sisters of Battle release is coming soon, so check out everything we know so far, including rules!

GW has been adding a bunch of new minis to the line, and we’ve even seen some new datasheets as well. There’s a lot to go over, so get ready for everything we know as of now. And even though we’ve already seen the Palatine, might as well kick it off with her!

9th Edition Sisters Release Palatine

Indomitus day sister This is a Palatine – a battlefield commander who works under a Canoness to coordinate Adepta Sororitas forces and smite any heretics who get in her way.

Palatine sistersThis senior Sororitas is an experienced battlefield commander, equally at home fighting alongside her Order’s Canoness or taking charge in her absence. In addition to offering the Adepta Sororitas a dedicated ‘fighty’ character, the Palatine’s zealous presence will bolster her Battle Sisters thanks to her Fury of the Righteous ability.

Fury of the RighteousGiving a buff to your units is never a bad thing! And with the rerolls of hits, plus her you can really up the efficacy of certain units. She was included in the Piety and Pain box, but hopefully, she’ll be released separately with the release of the codex as well.

Sisters of Battle Paragon Warsuit

paragon warsuit

2021 will see even more reinforcements on the way for the Sisters of Battle. We’ve already unveiled the new Palatine model, now take a look at the Paragon Warsuit.

As you can see, it looks like some Sisters of Battle may be in cahoots with the Grey Knights as they get their own version of a Dreadknight-like mech suit.

They’ve got plenty of style and they will fit right at home in any army list.

It appears there are multiple weapon options. This model has a Spear and heavy bolt rifle, we also saw a flamer option within the video.

paragon warsuit 3Finally the model by its self, it’s wielding a multi melta. These are sure to hit hard and be decently durable. If they have anything in common with the Dreadknights, they were one of the better models in their lineup, so this might be pretty good on the tabletop.

Sisters of Battle Castigator Tank!




Battle Tank

The Adepta Sororitas, like us, are clearly fans of a good tracked tank and have decided it’s high time they had another. Being the pious sorts that they are, it’s called the Castigator, and there’s no doubt someone’s about to get severely reprimanded by that battle cannon on the turret.

That main Castigator Battlecannon is massive! As you may assume, this probably won’t be transporting troops, but dang will that thing pack a punch.

Castigator weapon optionsFans of the Immolator and Exorcist tanks will immediately feel right at home among the baroque stylings of the Castigator, with plenty of ornamental filigree adorning every surface – even the cannon barrel.

With at least one extra barrel option we think was called the Castigaor Autocannon. We can definitely expect the guns to act differently. Perhaps a trade-off of less power for more shots or even range?

Adepta Sororitas Dogmata

Adepta sororitas Dogmata 2In a similar manner to a Chaplain of the Adeptus Astartes, a Dogmata is the personification of righteousness, leading her fellow Sororitas in war hymns as she advances stoically into battle. Yet, she’s more than just a spiritual exemplar. A Dogmata holds the power to condemn any Sister to join the Repentia – or, worse still, be consigned to a Mortifier – to seek atonement or redemption in death.

While all the sisters are dogmatic, a mini called the Dogmata really takes it to the next level! The mini itself is fairly simple but very cool looking and should be a fun addition to the faction.

Adepta sororitas Dogmata 3On the battlefield, while a Dogmata is nearby, your Sisters of Battle will know that their every deed is being watched and judged. So they’ll perform whatever duty has been assigned to them with utmost determination and vigour. If you’re looking to get the most out of your Adepta Sororitas units, a Dogmata will be a crucial addition to your collection, so keep an eye out – she’s coming soon.

They don’t say the type of buffs she will give. But auras can never be bad and for a probably fairly cheap cost. Since they do say every task, we hope she’ll give buffs to multiple phases.

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Or, she may let you use more miracle dice or something like that. Either way, she’s the last mini in the New Model Mondays. So, hopefully, they pick up the releases so we can keep seeing new minis!

New Triumph of Saint Katherine Sisters 40k Rules

She got an IKEA-style sheet of rules updates that was spotted on Bolter & Chainsword so let’s compare it to the old sheet and see what’s changed.

st kath old datasheet

Old rules

st kath new datasheet

New Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • -4 attacks on top bracket, unchanged after (was 14, now 10 attacks)
  • Bolt Pistol is now Heavy 1 (was pistol 1)

What we don’t know:

  • Martyr’s Sword still locked to 4 attacks max?
  • Invulnerable Save?
  • Extra Relics rules?
  • Morale test rule?
  • Targeting rule?

Overall, Triumph of Saint Katherine looks like it is taking a huge hit on paper. -4 attacks sound huge, and it very well might be, but the big weapon, Martyr’s sword was locked to 4 attacks. If that loses the cap, this model actually becomes much deadlier in total.

New Exorcist Sisters 40k Rules

Also spotted on Bolter & Chainsword were new rules for the Exorcist, so let’s compare it to the old sheet and see what’s changed.

exorcist old datasheet

Old rules

exorcist new datasheet

New Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • -1 Strength (was 7, now 6)
  • -1 Toughness (was 8, now 7)
  • One extra Leadership (was 7, now 8)
  • -1 Wound (was 12, now 11)

The rockets and missile launcher seem to be flipped in the new sheets labeled images, so we will treat it as an error.

  • Exorcist conflagration rockets lose 1 AP and gain 1 damage (was -2, now -1 AP and was 1 damage, now 2)
  • Exorcist missile launcher lose 1 AP (was -3, now -2 AP)

What we don’t know:

  • Smoke Launchers?
  • Unique weapon rules like Blast?

Overall, the Exorcist looks like it is also taking a huge hit on paper. Small nerfs across the board on the statline add up. The toughness change really hurts allowing S8 weapons to wound on 3s instead of 4s. The buff in damage on the rockets is worth the trade of AP, but still, the Exorcist doesn’t look like it will break the meta or anything insane.

Look for more on the Adepta Sororitas codex soon. As it’s probably one of the next codex releases for Warhammer 40k!

With some of the rules revealed, how do you feel about them so far? What of the new minis is your favorite? 

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