Free Orks Miniature & New Coin Offering From GW!

free-from-gwA new coin and free miniature offering is here from GW for the latest in-store promos to celebrate the release of the Orks!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest coin and mini so if you want it, save up at least $100. We actually saw this coin way back in January, so if you judge by that, there’s a chance GW is actually 7 months behind where they wanted to be for releases.  Big Oooof.

Or, they could just send the coins out really early and somebody spilled the beans. The promotion has been going for a little over 8 months now (of coins not necessarily actual months), but if you haven’t heard about it, here are some quick details.

GW store instide

You head to your nearest GW store, and if you spend $100, you get the coin (while supplies last). But all you have to do to get the free figure is just walk in and ask.

They do one about every month and the coins are based around a new faction getting a release next. This is nice for you Ork players since you can actually spend your money on new minis to get the coin. 

Also, if you collect at least six of the coins, you can score a nice little binder to hold them in. So if you’ve grabbed almost every coin so far, you’ll be eligible to actually get it.

Let’s look at some of the most recent coins, then jump into the new stuff. 

Stormcasts Coin From Games Workshop

stormcast coin

The coin looks pretty sweet, but like with all the other coins, you had to spend $100 to get this. 

stormcast free miniThe Miniature of the Month is a Stormcast Eternals Vindictor. Clad in newly forged thunderstrike armour, these front-line combatants form the shield wall of Sigmar’s forces in the Era of the Beast.

Last month’s free mini was a Vindicator, which was surprising to some as it is brand new! With the iconic spear/shield combo, it might just be a fun mini to paint even for non-Stormcast players. Just make sure you make it to the store before they run out of handout models. All you have to do is ask for it!

Adepta Sororitas CoinThe last 40k coin was for the Adepta Sororitas, so it’s actually gone back and forth from AoS to 40k as of late. We’ll have to wait and see what’s next. 

Free Orks Miniature & New Coin Offering From GW!

Just know, these aren’t out till the 4th, so don’t rush out before Saturday if you want one.

Ork CoinYou’ll be able to pick up one of these coins from the 4th of September, but they’re only available while stocks last, so hop in your Shokkjump Dragsta and get to your local store pronto.

We’ve seen this one for months and months now, so it’ll be nice to actually be able to grab it! Well, you could have bought one on eBay a while ago. If you buy just the codex, you only need to spend another $50 to grab the coin.

Ork NobYou’ll also be able to pick up September’s Miniature of the Month. If you’ve recently got some Beast Snaggas or are planning to get some of the new Boyz, we have some good news – it’s an Ork Nob, perfect for orderin’ yer ladz about on the battlefield.

They do specifically say it will be a Nob, which is interesting because usually they just pop open a box and give you a random mini inside. If they give everyone a Nob, they will have to break open a ton of boxes. We’ll have to see how that turns out. Just remember, all you have to do is ask and they will give you one for free.

Coin Holder

coin colleciton bookIf you’ve collected at least six of the monthly coins, show them to the manager and you can present them in a handsome coin album while stocks last.

Once you have collected six of the collectible coins, you will be eligible to get a coin booklet you display your growing collection!

Will you be picking this up? Are you happy the Ork coin is finally here?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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