FW: New Space Wolves VS Thousand Sons TEASERS

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Come see all the new artwork and more that’s on the way for the new Horus Heresy Book VII: Inferno as the Space Wolves are set to invade Prospero!

30k Specialist Garro is on the scene today at Forge World open snapping pics and checking out all the info from the show:


Space Wolves Decal Sheet

13769498_1163402617013666_3855760734556988858_n 13718636_1163402603680334_6000551381321392964_n 13718592_1163402643680330_4528898927212671957_n

Studio Space Wolves Display Army (for Inferno?)

13700046_1163402577013670_5996668148964503360_nThousand Sons as well..

Art from Inferno


The Wolves Arrive – Forge World INFERNO Art Spotted!

Checkout up to the minute coverage of all the new releases, art, and models from the show below in our roundup

Forge World Open 2016