GW Announces New Store Exclusives

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GW just announced new store exclusives and one of them may look eerily familiar to keen-eyed hobbyists. Check out the new Age of Sigmar and 40k exclusive lineup for Warhammer stores.

The Namba Warhammer store in Japan is celebrating its birthday on July 7tth, and it looks like they’re getting some new store exclusives.

If you were keeping up with all the AoS news, you probably saw these pictures recently here, as they were first posted onto eBay way ahead of it’s time and it raised some questions. The kit on the sprue didn’t quite match up to what we saw on Warhammer Community, as it had an ax and a lantern instead of a staff and a sword.

Guardian of Souls Exclusive


guardian of souls ebay nighthaunt early new


guardian of souls ebay nighthaunt early new

Marked ” © Games Workshop Limited 2018″

One interesting thing about this sprue is that it has an ax head in the top right and the model is holding the handle in the left hand. In contrast, the picture previewed to us from Warhammer Fest is holding a sword. The sprue also doesn’t have a staff. He’s actually got a hand gripping the lantern in the middle. The picture above shows a staff.

Judging by the sprue, it looks just like the plastic that Games Workshop uses for sure. Could there perhaps be another sprue with a sword and staff, or is this the real deal, just with a design adjustment?

ebay nighthaunt

Games Workshop Age of Sigmar Nighthaunt unreleased Hero yet to be named looks like the Guardian of Souls.

I’m stumped on this model so please forgive me if the name isn’t right.
The Guardian of Souls looks to be next in line for becoming an in-store exclusive starting with the Namba store in Japan.

namba exclusive 1

This confirms the different kits that were spotted for the Guardian of Souls were real after all. The model with the staff still hasn’t been spotted anywhere else except for what was seen at Warhammer Fest from Warhammer Community. It only makes sense that these models would have different rules. What do you think will be the better option?

Primaris Captain with Power Fist

The Primaris Captain with power Fist can only be found at various Games Workshop stores around the world during a grand opening or birthday. It retails for $35 at any Games Workshop store that has them available.

He comes armed with a power fist and plasma pistol. Now, if you are wanting to do some customization work, the head, shoulders, and backpack will be the easiest bits to swap out. His torso and cape are another matter since the cape section also holds one of the Captain’s legs. The front torso does have some room for custom iconography from any of your favorite Space Marine chapters.

Primaris Birthday Captain Rules

Check out our the full coverage with a video of the Primaris Captain with a Power Fist

namba primaris captain

The Primaris Captain will be finding his way to the Namba store in Japan like the other GW stores presently.

Exclusive Bundle

namba exclusive pack

namba mark of the traitor

It seems like there’s a lot you can get from visiting the Namba store. Two exclusive models, a backpack, and a whole collection of books. Will you try to get your hands on some of these when they come out? There’s no set date on when these goodies are releasing but we can guess sometime around July 7th.

Maybe these will be coming to your local GW store in the near future as well!

Never been to a store birthday? Check out our coverage all of the previous GW store exclusives over the years.

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More on Warhammer Exclusives