GW Confirms More 40k World Eaters Blood Tithe Rules

new world eaters chaos codex space marinesGW has confirmed even more 40k World Eaters Blood Tithe rules ahead of the codex pre-order next week- check it out!

We saw rumors for this some time ago, but now it looks like more of the mechanics are confirmed by GW, along with a little context on how to use them! We’ll also take a look at the previous rumors we saw, and the initial confirmation from GW.

GW Confirms More 40k World Eaters Blood Tithe Rules

This time around, GW actually showed off some of the full rules, so let’s take a closer look at the confirmation from Warhammer Community.

40k Blood Tithe Rules

Killed a TITANIC VEHICLE like a Baneblade or an Imperial Knight? That’s three points. Once you’ve amassed enough points, the Khorne-r shop opens and you can purchase one Blood Tithe ability per phase that’ll last for the rest of the game, such as the speed-boosting Rage-fuelled Invigoration.

Getting any buff for the entire game is always good, and having +1 to charge for your whole army for the whole game is awesome!

40k Blood Tithe Rules 2

These abilities snowball your warband into a bloody-minded avalanche of carnage. Having trouble carving through vehicles with chainaxes? Sidestep their high toughness with Total Carnage. Cowardly psykers hiding behind their powers? Shrug off their Smites with a dose of Spiteful Nullification.

Six  Blood Points really shouldn’t be that hard to get, and giving all your model auto wounds on 6’s is really strong. Then, for only two points, you can give your whole army a 5+ for mortals! Which can just be insane against certain armies.

40k Blood Tithe Rules 3

For just six Blood Tithe Points – two of which you’ll earn the moment Angron dies – you can reform the Daemon Primarch as if nothing happened!

Better yet, he gets to Warp Strike right back into battle, so you can give the long-ranged guns that took him down the fright of their lives when their apparent success only serves to hasten their demise. Nothing personal.

Getting to come back to life and Warp Strike is just awesome! Especially if you have the +1 to charge, he might be able to die and just get right back into combat. Just be sure to save up those four points (and the two from him dying).  Now, let’s compare these to all the rumors.

Games Work Confirms Blood Tithe Rules For World Eaters

We saw a little bit of a teaser in the Warhammer Community battle report post.

World Eaters Blood Tithe Rules

Blood Tithe points add a fun and exciting dimension to the game, providing a reward for every unit – even your own – that is destroyed. Of course, in a large battle like this one, Blood Tithe points will be coming in thick and fast, so you’ll soon be putting the ‘laughter’ into ‘slaughter’ as you merrily spend them to augment your already formidable forces.

This is part of their latest battle report on Warhammer+, and you can see on the right side of the screen, they have a counter for it. You gain a point any time any unit is destroyed (for either side), and with World Eaters, this should happen a lot!

They don’t really say much more right now, but this confirms the rule, and thanks to the interwebs, we also have how you get the points!

How Does the New Word Eaters New Blood Tithe Rule Work?

Blood Tithe rulesShortly after the battle report went live, this chart appeared all over Facebook and Reddit, and it looks like they don’t exclude any units from scoring the points. You also gain additional points for characters, monsters, and vehicles in each phase which can get you a ton of points.

If you or your opponent kill a vehicle in the shooting phase, you get 2 points in that phase; then, if you do the same in the melee phase, you get another 2 points! So, they can add up really quickly.

This means things like Rhinos (2 points) might be really good for generating points. Or, you could always run some Spawns right up the gut and start generating points early!

This also means that Angron dying generates three in total; however, we’re not 100% sure when he will “revive”. So be sure to save a couple of points, as you don’t get the points until the end of the phase, and you might need to use them immediately.

Luckily, we also have some rumors about what the points can be used for!

What Can You Use Blood Tithe Points For?

These rumors come from Auspex Tactics, but thanks to a commenter on Reddit, they wrote out what the points were used for in the battle report, so we’ll compare.

World Eaters Rumors Rules 4First, you can revive Angron, but the points for this are in some contention, and GW has more or less confirmed this as well (by saying you could revive him). When compared with the new Reddit comments, these look like playtesting rules. As what they do are similar, but the points are different.

Four points seem like a lot to get, but auto-wounding on 6’s with probably 30+ attacks should get a ton of wounds through! This is how they were used in the battle report.

This comes from Reddit, and again, even though they say they are from the battle report, everything is a rumor until GW comes out with the book!

World Eaters Blood Tithe Rules 2As you can see, the uses are about the same, but now we have some points! Three points for +1 to charge doesn’t seem too bad, as it’s an army-wide buff, just be sure to have some small units die off first! If you’re playing against a bunch of psychics or an army that can dish out a ton of mortal wounds, a 5+ is nice. These were just in the Battle Report, so maybe the rest are still somewhat reliable.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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