GW Confirms Size of New Rogal Dorn Tank!

Rogal-Dorn-Battle tank imperial guardGames Workshop has just confirmed the new Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Tank size along with some weapon rules for three tanks!

Some photoshop images were floating around about the size of the Rogal Dorn being almost as big as the Baneblade, luckily, GW came out with a great comparison image! They also showed off what three different turret weapons can do for the Rogal Dorn, Leman Russ, and the Baneblade, as well as the profiles for the Rogal Dorn and Leman Russ.

Warhammer Community came out with the size comparison and rules, but if you want to compare them to the recent rumors, you can check that out here! For now, let’s jump into the confirmed stuff!

GW Confirms Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Tank Size!

Rogal Dorn Size

Make no mistake, it’s a big lad! The Rogal Dorn has more bone-crushing power than a Leman Russ, but not quite the excess of a Baneblade. It’s the perfect middle ground – and this extends to the datasheet.

As you can see, the rumors seem right as it’s more or less right in-between on size, making the Leman Russ look sort of small, but it’s quite smaller than the Baneblade.  Hopefully it will be a decent amount cheaper money-wise than the Baneblade, but we’ll just have to wait and see on that…

Rogal Dorn Size 2

With size comes durability, and the Rogal Dorn has that in spades. Its excellent Toughness, Wounds, and Save means it’ll stick around on even the most blistering battlefield, but it has a little more manoeuvrability than a super-heavy. 

Now to compare the profiles! With four more wounds and another toughness, this should be much harder to bring down. There are a lot of Strength 4 and Strength 8 weapons out there, so should really swing some of those rolls in your favor.

Luckily, it keeps the 10″ movement so it won’t be lagging behind.

Baneblade rules

The Baneblade has also seen some improvements. Your first two sponsons packing lascannons and twin heavy bolters are rolled into its base cost, making it significantly cheaper than before. And don’t worry – you can still add an extra two sponsons if 12 barrels of death weren’t enough. Those are now cheaper too!

Getting the weapons put in the cost is always nice, but it also gets an increase in toughness which can be super powerful, and then it gets 30 wounds! These are going to be harder than ever to bring down, so roll your tanks into battle!

Turret Profiles

Then there’s the fantastic new Turret Weapon rule which allows tank turrets to target any enemies they want even while locked in melee, and also adds a nifty +1 to their hit roll as a bonus.

Although it has several excellent turret options, the Leman Russ and the battle cannon go together like chips and gravy, so tank commanders will be glad to know that this old faithful has had a boost. Then again, if you want to really splatter something from a great distance, the oppressor cannon on the Rogal Dorn cranks the firepower up to the max.

Both weapons are quite strong, but the Oppressor Cannon will hit insanely hard and can take out either vehicles, or has enough damage to take out some serious tough units with blast and a lot of shots.

Either way, the Imperial Guard looks to be getting a slew of new models that may also satiate the discerning treadhead.  Dope new rules would be a fantastic pairing to have as well in their upcoming codex.

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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