Games Workshop Doubles Down for no 3D Printed Minis

marine-copyrightWith the 3D trend growing it looks like GW is doubling down on its stance against no 3D printed minis at any of their stores.

As some of you may have seen recently a prominent 3d Modeler was given a cease and desist letter from GW about one of their models, which we covered more here. Today though, we’ll be taking a look at their updated rules against 3D printed minis and bits for playing in their stores. 

What else makes this semi- strange, is that they say you can use 3D printed bits, but only if you design them yourself. They will not accept any 3D printed bits that are available for sale (commercially).  Which also from their wording includes bases. So does that mean you have to build all your bases, use the bland standard bases, and not take advantage of the hundreds of amazing resin bases out there?

GW Doubles Down on no 3D Printed Minis

The latest guidelines for playing at Warhammer World contained this part directly addressing 3D printed components.

Tournament GuidelinesSo this is where things get even more confusing. They say you can design and print all of your own bits, but if there is any doubt, they can ask you to prove where they are from, and then possibly remove them. We just don’t see how exactly this will be enforced unless you are just using an obvious 3rd party mini. Bits are bits, can’t you just say you designed it yourself?

The other thing, that happened a few years ago, at the new Warhammer Citadel Cafe basically said you can’t even use resin bases.

So even though it’s from a few years ago, to be fair to them, they haven’t said anything this strict in a while.

Sure we get that it’s their venue, their rules, but things like bases and bits may be taking it perhaps a little too far?  With how limited new releases and re-stocks have been, it may be kind of crazy to not even allow things like bits. Especially when you’ve been waiting months for things to come back in stock.

Do you think GW will ever allow 3D printed components, or offer them themselves? Have you played a game at a GW store?

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