Surprise! GW Drops 12 New Warhammer 40k FAQs

new-faqs warhammer 40kGW just dropped a huge Warhammer 40k FAQs with 12 different books all getting changes, including the core rules…

Games Workshop released a lot of FAQs, however, some of them seem to have nothing updated even though it says they were. It might just be a caching issue. The most interesting stuff is probably the core rules. If you want to see everything for yourself, you can download all of them here.

We’ll cover some of the big changes here for you, but since there is so much (and so many not actually changed), we won’t take a look at everything. If you see your faction in there though, it’s good to take a look and see what’s changing. Let’s check out the changes.

GW Drops 12 New Warhammer 40k FAQs

Warhammer 40k FAQ


Warhammer 40k FAQ 2They didn’t really say anything about the FAQs, but with this and the recent data slate, there really is a lot changing with the game. There are even more than say updated but nothing was really changed in a major way, however, we’ll take a closer look at the things that are really changing that we noticed right off the bat.

Core Changes



faq 2This is definitely a debated topic, so it’s nice to have some actual clarification on the issue. The next time someone tries to argue this with you, just go ahead and show them this. So we’re totally fine with this commentary.

FAQ 3This actually lets you use your position of units that can’t be targeted by psychic powers to deny Smites altogether.

FAQ 4This is great for open-topped vehicles if you can get a buff or something off on the vehicle then the unit inside is buffed.

Tau Changes


They are changing how to measure, as you can position this so the model is further than the base. A nice little change.

GSC Changes


Crossfire is getting some clarification which is nice since it can be somewhat confusing.

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Chapter Approved 2022 Rules. Click on the gallery above to see the new Battleforged and Seconadries rules plus Missions!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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