GW Just Copies Themselves to Make Even More Models

desings-from-games-workshopWhen you compare a lot of the new Warhammer 40k miniatures, it looks like Games Workshop just copies themselves to make more models faster…

Obviously, there are only so many poses you can make when it comes to miniatures we get that. However, putting the new release models back to back with each other doesn’t look so exciting.

Let’s take a closer look at the poses of the new Berzerker models that were compared to some more familiar Warhammer 40k miniatures.

Games Workshop Just Copies Themselves to Make Even More Models

This picture comes from Bolter and Chainsword and is pretty interesting when you start to think about it.

Looks like they used the monopose assault primaries from Indomitus as the base for sculpting the Khorne Berzerkers?

berzekers vs assault intercessors

Then the commenters take the comparisons to the next level in another fun little comparison on the same thread:

We all know GW have about 15 poses for power armour in their repertoire, depending on the presence or absence of a tactical rock, and even then some of those comparisons are stretching it.

Eviscerator man in particular is being done dirty by the comparison. Let’s compare him to who I believe is a more appropriate brother-in-arms.

GW copies themselves

This is actually kind of hilarious when you put them all together! As you can see, about three or four styles look nearly the same, whether they be Space Marines, Chaos, or World Eaters!

As we said, there are only so many poses you can do for miniatures. However, when you look at them stacked together like this, it feels like GW is just using the same database of poses for everything and adding in a few extras. Just something to think about the next time you see a Marine release!

We were really wishing for something a little more dynamic with World Eaters, considering it’s been so long since we last saw any models for them.

berzerkers preview

At the end of the day, these are also all Games Workshop’s own minis, so they can do whatever they want. It’s just something interesting to look at when you consider how much they charge for miniatures and the potential for lack of design diversification.

This is more of a fun little poke at the design team than anything, but it brings to mind memes of copying your homework but just making it a little different, so the teacher doesn’t notice.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

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    What are your thoughts on the posing of Games Workshop Space Marines being nearly identical? 

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