GW Needs to Give Chaos & Imperium a Break

By Wesley Floyd | August 28th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Ork Wal Horz

Looking at the competitive side of things, Chaos and Imperial soup lists are running rampant. It seems like other factions are suffering because of it.

A while back, I wrote a post about Faction Keyword 40k Tournaments. It was basically meant to cut down on cheese lists that no one wants to go up against. But let’s look at another reason why these soupy lists need to be cut down.

Some Factions Can’t Afford the Luxury of Soup

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Imperial players can build lists with Knights, Ad-Mech, Adeptus Astartes, Guard (it can go on and on.) Chaos players are in the same boat. They have access to slapping on different marks of the Chaos gods on units to make one deadly list.

Some factions don’t have that luxury. Looking at Orks and Necrons in particular, they just have themselves. Orks are getting a massive reboot (so the rumors say) very soon so we will have to see what comes of that. But Necrons are probably the most-shafted faction in 40k aside from Slaanesh Daemons. Their codex was a bust and haven’t gotten any new units.

Slaanesh Daemons don’t even have a named character and their models are older than Betty White.

I’m an Imperial player by heart and I’m at the point now where I wish GW would stop giving so much attention to Imperial factions.  Sure, we get all the cool toys and the flavor of the month, but it’s not fun when your friend plays a faction that hasn’t gotten any new units in years.

Single-Faction Armies in the Competitive Scene

necrons army Dynasty Does GW Needs to Give Chaos & Imperium a Break

Do we see Necrons and Orks in competitive play? Absolutely. But nine times out of ten, they’re already shooting themselves in the foot by bringing a faction like that to a competitive scene. They just lack the huge selection of models from different allying factions to cherrypick the best units.

If I’ve noticed one thing, it seems like every faction has one…maybe two very good units. The rest are hot garbage. For example, Blood Angels have Slam Captains. Knights have the Castellan (other Knights aren’t garbage but the Castellan is leagues above others). Guard have cheap Battallions and CP Spam. The list could go on.

Meanwhile, Orks have Boyz and Necrons have Destroyers.

GW needs to stop beating the Imperial horse to death and overhaul some factions to give them more answers instead of trying to make units for the largest fanbase and make them overpowered to rake in money for a month.

GW Needs to Give Chaos & Imperium a Break

Would you like to see more choices for armies like Orks, Necrons, and Slaanesh? What allies would you want to go with them? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

codex orks

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