GW Previews More on 40k Psychic Awakening Faith & Fury

lightning effect power weapons black templarsA new 40k Psychic Awakening preview is here confirming a pre-order date and some of what we already know is coming in the new supplement.

It’s raining new Warhammer 40k! We’re one book down in Psychic Awakening and have lots more previews and rumors to go. A new Chaos Sorceror miniature plus the next edition of Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury has been previewed.  Plus tons of rules updates may be on the way for Chaos Space Marines and Daemons if these rumors are to be believed. Are they getting “primarised”?

Phoenix Rising norm

We know book one was Phoenix Rising, but what about the next three books for Psychic Awakening?  It looks like Sablednah may have cracked the code. Check out the latest from his site:

Things To Keep in Mind

psychic awakening new warhammer 40k

  • GW has already said that every faction would have a stake in the Psychic Awakening expansion.
  • The pattern could be a new character/book for every faction involved
  • We may see old character models get updated
  • This entire event could run the course of a few years as that’s how long it took for each faction to get their first codex (since 2017).
  • The order of events/factions to get support looks unclear.

Coming from An Actual Englishmen on Dakka Dakka in short, this looks to be the rumored release schedule of everything in the coming months:

With volumes 2, 3 and 4 mentioned, it’s time to break down the rumors that spilled the details of the future releases. Remember take everything with a pinch of salt!

Psychic Awakening Book #2 – Terra-ish?

Sablednah found that the Sisters of Battle icon was next in line, which along with the Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, Night Lords, Emperor’s Children, World Eaters, White Scars, and Black Templars were spotted in the October 20th preview:

SOB psychic awakening

Map icon #2 found right after the Aeldari symbol.

Psychic awakening book 2

This area of the map was zoomed in on using the code on the page for event #2.

map 1 psychic awakening

Compare the map above that was labeled Terra and Mars with the map that showed

psyhic awakening latest map

These 5 New Space Marine Characters Need A Home!

primaris character giveaway walIt’s the Space Marine giveaway you’ve been waiting for! Win these 5 assembled (but unpainted) models from our videos. They are semi-famous! Read More

Psychic Awakening “Faith & Fury” Rules Rumors:

Sisters of battle army set

Back to Kikasstou on B&C, he gave some possible (very) good insight on what’s ahead:

  • Black Templars and Chaos would be the main two factions in Volume 2.
  • Librarians, Chaplains, and Techmarines will have the leveling system introduced. (Level 2 Chaplains know one extra litany, for example).
  • Level 2 Techmarines will head flat 3 instead of D3 when they repair.
  • Making a character a level 2 unit will come in the form of a 1CP Stratagem.
  • All Space Marine Chapters will have access to upgrading characters to level 2.
  • Black Templars can’t use any Imperial Fist supplement rules; Psychic Awakening vol. 2 will be their “supplement”.
  • Sadly, there won’t be any new Black Templar Primaris models for Helbrecht, Grimaldus, or the Emperor’s Champion.
  • The possibilities are open for a new Chaos Sorcerer.
  • Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle will also be present. However, would not be the main focus.

GW’s Psychic Awakening Preview:

faith and fury supplement

Warhammer Community confirmed the new supplement and more at the Blood & Glory event late Saturday, November 2nd.

In the 41st Millennium, things are getting intense. We’ve got characters new and old joining the fray, the hotly anticipated arrival of the Sisters of Battle, and of course the ongoing saga of the Psychic Awakening. With Phoenix Rising now on shelves, this epic conflict has officially begun – and we’re just getting started. The next book in the series sees us turn to the Imperium and their chaotic enemies in Faith & Fury. 

This tome will see the Psychic Awakening’s effects begin to take hold in the Imperium, as the Emperor’s most faithful warriors go head to head with the Heretic Astartes. What’s more, the book will include codex supplement-tier content for the Black Templars, Night Lords, Alpha Legion, World Eaters, Emperor’s Children, Iron Warriors and Word Bearers.

So per the symbols on their teaser, it looks like we’ll be getting updates for the remainder of the traitor legions sans Black Legion (updated in Vigilus) and the two with existing Chaos supplements; Thousand Sons, and Death Gaurd respectively.

Plus another recent rumor looks to be confirmed as Chaos is indeed getting a new Sorceror model that was the subject of a Rumor Engine many, many months ago…

2019 chaos sorcerer

Combining visual touches from classic Chaos Sorcerer models with the aesthetic of the new Heretic Astartes, this malevolent mage will be the ideal leader for your forces in the battles to come.

Black Friday Releases For Faith & Fury

We had heard rumors of a Black Templars starter box that may be on the way recently. However, from these previews, It looks like the only box set for this release may be a new Chaos Sorceror and the Sisters of Battle Army Box. Which is further supported the recent release sheet leak.

november 29 product pricing rumors

Coming from @wagamingdave, it looks like some sort of pricing has been revealed for what’s ahead. Just as much as the products themselves are rumors, so are the prices. However, going off of what some of the more recent GW releases have been, these price points may be surprisingly accurate.

Chaos Support Mentioned Once Again

So now that we have a good idea what releases are happening around the end of the month for 40k, here is the latest rumored rules updates for the Chaos side of things:

chaos wal lord discordantSpotted on Faeit 212, there’s a screenshot of a user on Facebook named Lagrath who is pulling some “rumors” from the Tizcan 40k Podcast. (Yes this looks like a he said-she said rumor). However, as we know nothing aside from the factions that will be in the second wave of Psychic Awakening, we can’t ignore what comes up. Check out the latest as we move into the second wave of Psychic Awakening.


Originally spotted somewhere on Facebook by a user named Lagrath:

chaos rumors psychic awakening

Pulling out the highlights of these rumors, the mention of two-wound units coming to Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Berzerkers, and Rubric Marines is definitely nice. However, it’ll be interesting to see the lore standpoint behind all this. As Chaos Marines don’t have explicit access to a Rubicon Primaris (which is what gave regular Marines an additional wound and such), GW may just say that these guys are warp-fueled or maybe Fabius Bile has done some genetic “upgrades”.

plaguebearer sm hor wal

As for the points going up on Plaguebearers and Lord Discordants, which are two of the obviously most-used and probably most-powerful units to pull from Chaos, it will be interesting to see how GW alters them.

Things to note about the next 6 weeks according to the rumor roadmap:

Chances are updates for the T-Sons would be coming from the Chapter Approved, and perhaps new rules for the other legions will be in Faith & Fury the week before.

We may be seeing the meta shift away from Plaguebearer screens depending on how hard they get hit. As for Lord Discos, they are a newer Chaos unit that is the Chaos-equivalent to a Smash Captain. We know that the Loyalist character wargear went up a few points (thunder hammers costing more now) so maybe GW will increase the standard points on wargear for the unit in general.

Games Workshop Video Preview:

Posted on Warhammer TV Saturday, November 9th we have a conformed pre-order date, as well as confirmation of the factions involved in Faith & Fury:

According to GW new supplement will go on pre-order November 16th for what is currently a rumored release date of two weeks later on Black Friday weekend.

faith and fury pre-order date

So will it be a two-week build-up to the new supplement’s release or will we see it hit store shelves the following week on November 23rd when the rumored Beastgrave expansions were expected?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

RUMORS: GW’s Full Holiday Release Lineup & Pricing!

Space Marine walpaperDon’t miss this rumored lineup of Games Workshop’s holiday releases along with pricing!

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.