RUMORS: New Black Templars Vs. Orks Starter Box Set

black templars wal hor logo

A new Space Marine Starter Box may be on the way that pits Orks vs. Black Templars. Let’s look at what new units and how much value it could have inside!

If you haven’t already heard, Black Templars were mentioned in some rumors lately saying that they’ll be getting some kind of Vigilus book type of support along with a Starter Box Set. This Box Set is said to contain Black Templars Vs. Orks but remember, these are all still rumors so take it with a pinch of salt.

However, assuming these rumors are true, it might be a good idea to make some educated guesses on what could be inside, and what it may cost hobbyists.

What Could We See in a Black Templars Box Set

Tooth & Claw


Wake the Dead

Looking at the two most recent Starter Boxes including Marines vs. whatever, there is a special point to be made. These boxes contain some kind of new character that gets released months down the road. For example, the only way GSC players could get the Abominant for the longest time was in that box. However, around the time of their codex release, he came out in his own clam pack. The same can be said for the other three characters pictured above.

Note that these starter boxes aren’t on the same playing field as things like the Dark Imperium/Shadowspear boxes featuring a whole host of new units. These are usually filled with a staple unit or two designed to get you started off on the right foot for a new faction. Not just to give you 5+ brand new units that might not even fill out a whole detachment.

With that being said, our guess is that a Starter Box featuring Orks and Black Templars will cost around $180. This is a bit higher than previous Box Sets. However, GW’s units also went up in cost about 5-10% across the board recently.

What Could GW Throw Inside The Box For the Black Templars?


Black Templars are one of the more unique Space Marine factions out there as they’ve got quite a few options that are inclusive to the faction.  If GW wanted to get creative and spruce up the Black Templars a bit, it would be cool to see:

  • Crusader Squads featuring Primaris and Tactical Marines together (similar to Tactical Marines and Scouts).  $60?
  • A Primaris Emperor’s Champion (possibly as the “new” character that could come inside).  $35? (new Primaris characters are at this price point). 
  • Finally, maybe one of the new Primaris Warsuits! $60 (doubtful, but hey why not)
  • Black Templars upgrade sprue. $18?

Total MSRP (assuming we would be able to buy everything individually): $173

Remember, these are just what we COULD see GW throw inside the box along with spitballed prices. Nothing has been confirmed as of yet.

What Could The Orks Get?

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Orks have already gotten their codex and new model support so this one could be a bit tricky. But if GW keeps track of the high-demand stuff, they could throw some units inside that might be a hot commodity:

  • 10-man Boyz squad (because you’re playing Orks…you have to have Boyz).  $35
  • As for the new unit, hard to say, perhaps a new Weirdboy in plastic? $35
  • Loota Squad  $30
  • Probably a Deff Dread to mirror the Marine big model. $55
  • 10-man Gretchin squad. $18

Total MSRP: $173

Putting both halves together, it looks like this new rumored box could be a solid deal with almost $70-80 in product savings.

Both factions in previous Box Sets seem to hover around the mid 400 pts range. Adding these up (giving a few more points to new units like Primaris and the Ork Character these are both in a realistic zone.

So while we’re still waiting on the rumors to be debunked or confirmed, what would you like to see come inside of a Black Templars Vs. Orks box? Do you think Orks will get a new unit or just have good stuff from the codex thrown in?

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