GW Reveals Imperial Guard Catachan, Death Korps, & More Rules!

new-imperial-guardGW just revealed a bunch of new 40k Imperial Guard Catachan, Death Korps, Sly Marbo, Commissar, and more rules!

With the regimental rules out, we weren’t sure if these regiments would get rules too, but now we know for sure! This means they will be different from just normal Guardsmen, which is always nice.

You can compare them to the newest rules rumors, and if they are right, then you know there is a good chance the rest of the rumors are pretty close too!

GW Reveals Imperial Guard Catachan, Death Korps, & More Rules!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest rules, including rules, orders, weapons, and more for the Guard!

They also say that DKoK will have access to the weapons available in the Kill Team box, and Catachan will get two flamers and more combat ability.

Death Korps RulesHaving mini transhuman on all your guys is never a bad thing!Catachan rules

The Death Korps of Krieg and Catachan Jungle Fighters are both getting their own individual datasheets in the new book. Krieg troopers have access to the many options included in their Kill Team kit – such as sniper rifles and medi-packs – while Catachans boast two flamers and a particularly vicious close combat ability.

Catachan can do a little more in combat than normal Guardsmen, and with two flamers, you can just rush them up close!

Sly Marbo Rules

Imperial Guard Catachan Rules

The sneaky, stabby sensation known as Sly Marbo also returns to battle, with a significant bump in threat level. His ripper pistol and envenomed blade can now drop Chaos Space Marines and enemy commanders with ease, before Sly slips back into the shadows like he was never there at all. 

He seems to be made to charge up, shoot a character, then take them out in combat! If you get lucky, you could easily chip off 4-5 wounds with the pistol, then hopefully have enough damage left to finish them off in combat.

Imperial Guard Commissar Orders

Imperial Guard Commissar Rules

Commissars might be the furthest things from Sly Marbo’s modus operandi – championing order and discipline – and their management style was previously delivered exclusively at the barrel of a bolt pistol. Having learned that some troops respond better to gentle encouragement than the imminent threat of execution, they now have access to Prefectus Orders.

While regimental officers have access to familiar – but updated – orders, Commissars appeal to the faith and fervour of the enlisted men with a more directly aggressive set of commands. Under their visionary and threatening inspiration, your troops will be able to keep blasting away even while sprinting at full speed or regrouping from a sudden assault.

Being able to move and shoot without penalty is always awesome, and then Get Back in the Fight is just always one of the strongest orders! Plus falling back out of combat and then just still being able to shoot (or charge) is super powerful, no matter what army you play.

Deathstrike Missile Launcher

Godspear Warhead rules

The Deathstrike now puts a big, scary target on the battlefield with a unique action, which it can then fire at on your next turn. You won’t be catching anyone by surprise, but a marker looming over objectives will dissuade anyone from claiming them. After all, who wants to be clocked for 16 mortal wounds? If your turn comes around and nobody’s in the blast zone, you can just move the marker again.

If turning a small number of hard targets into a fine mist doesn’t match your battle plan, there are two more warheads to pick from. One blankets a wide area in searing plasma, while the other creates a persistent bubble of gravitational pain. The best part? You get to choose which warhead to bring after you’ve seen your opponent’s army list.

While you have to put this in a certain spot, it can either force enemy tanks and artillery to move away, or you can force enemies to stay away from a certain spot; plus, doing 16 mortals is just wild.

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think about all the new Imperial Guard Catachan, Death Korps, and more rules? 

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