Psychic Awakening 3 Blood of Baal is about to go on pre-order and according to GW it has new rules for Tyranids, BA units, and Mephiston as well!
Warhammer Community just previewed more on the next Psychic Awakening supplement amid the growing hype for Blood Angels and Tyranids. It looks like Mephiston is going head-on against droves of Tyranids.
First, let’s take a look at the latest on what may be in the supplement that’s coming our way soon:
Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal
Who wears red, comes down your chimney and punishes the naughty? Why, Mephiston attacking a manufactorum full of traitors of course! Next weekend, we turn our gaze to Baal’s place in the Psychic Awakening, with a new campaign supplement and a stunning new rendition of the Lord of Death.
Overall, it would make sense for GW to pick up where they left off for the Blood Angels. With massive numbers culled from their ranks after the Tyranids had a party on the homeworld, it will be interesting to see where they spin the faction next. Keep in mind that this still coincides with earlier rumors from Kikasstou on B&C, he gave some possible (very) good insight on what’s ahead:
- This will be themed around Blood Angels and Tyranids (probably picking up from the events of the Devastation of Baal).
- Mephiston is supposed to be getting a new Primaris model.
Mephiston & Blood of Baal Rules Rumors:
Folks are still on the fence if these data cards are not photoshopped but for now its a neat little rumor of what new rules the Blood Angels may be getting (including Mephiston) in Blood of Baal.
Posted to Imgur, by former bits ninja smaddox1990, new Blood Angel Datasheets show the updated versions of named Blood Angels characters. Sadly, we still have no idea if Dante, Gabriel, Corbulo, etc. will be getting any changes, but of the stuff that has been spotted, it’s looking pretty good.
Lemartes is a Level Two Chaplain

Lemartes is keeping the same basic statline as before with his Power Level dropping from 7 to 5. This may translate into a slight points drop as well, but we’re not sure just yet. On top of that, he now knows Litanies that go off on a 3+at the beginning of the turn just like all other Space Marine Chaplains.
There’s an important takeaway here. He knows two Litanies and can recite one. However, it says he knows Litanies from (pg. 58) of the book, making us think that Blood Angels are getting their own table of Litanies as well.
Astorath is the Mac-Daddy Chappy
Astorath is dropping from Power Level 8 to 6 and is keeping his basic statline as well. However, he is THE head honcho for Chaplains in the Blood Angels (and rightfully so) getting to know three Litanies from the mysterious table on (pg. 58) of the book. In addition, instead of being able to recite one, he can recite two each turn. Mix that with his Mass of Doom rule and you’ll have a souped-up fighting force that’ll cause a lump in your enemy’s throat.
Mephiston Might Not Get New Psychic Powers?
Mephiston got a new Primaris model that was just previewed. But beyond that, he is getting an extra wound and attack while his Power Level is staying the same. Everything else looks to be the same for Mephy as per the normal rules he’s always had. But something might cause a little concern for us Blood Angels fans here. It says that he has to pull his psychic powers from the Sanguinary Discipline (See: Codex Blood Angels).
What’s Inside the Blood of Baal Book:
This book is part lore, part double-pronged codex update, and all awesome! Inside, you’ll see the Blood Angels face the Tyranids once more as part of their desperate ongoing defence of their homeworld. New and updated datasheets give your Blood Angels access to extra army rules, Vanguard units, Stratagems, psychic powers, Litanies and more! There’s even some extra stuff for Flesh Tearers fans – ideal if you like your Blood Angels successors extra bloody.
Coming in hot may be some of the rumored new rules above, but it appears that this book will closely mirror all the new goodies Codex Marine chapters got in the first Psychic Awakening book, as well as their own updated supplements back in August.
That’s not all. The Tyranids are getting some very exciting updates to help you bring this army to life on the tabletop as never before. Extra bio-artefacts allow you to create particularly notable gribblies armed with unique and terrifying weapons. A suite of Stratagems let you change your strategy on the battlefield to better hunt your prey. You’ll even be able to build your own hive fleet with your choice of traits. And that’s not all…
When was the last time you saw a Tyranids army hit the tables? Well with all these new rules teasers, that may all change soon!
Adaptive Physiology is a new system, bespoke for the Tyranids, that lets you represent the myriad adaptations of the Great Devourer. A Carnifex with Synapse? A pack of camouflaged Tyranid Warriors? It’s all possible thanks to Psychic Awakening. We’ll be previewing these systems in more depth soon, so stay tuned!
The Psychic Awakening has reached Baal as the Tyranids fight against the Blood Angels.
Mephiston, being one of the only surviving Blood Angels after its devastation, might have followed Guilliman back to the Rubicon Primaris, got beefed up, and is now spearheading an assault into the Tyranid Hive Fleet. This is all just a guess, but it can’t be too far off.
What do you think is in store for Blood Angels and Tyranids? Vanguard units sound fun for the Blood Angels and more rules for the Tyranids may not be a bad thing given the current state of competitive Warhammer 40k!
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