More Details on the New Rogal Dorn Tank Revealed

Rogal-Dorn-Battle tank imperial guardGW has revealed more on the Rogal Dorn Tank ahead of the imminent (hopefully) release- check out the details!

At this point, it looks like we probably won’t see this model until 2023, so even though you can’t get your hobby hands on it for a little longer, we can look at some more details about the new tank.

Or, who knows, maybe GW will surprise us and next week release all the Imperial Guard stuff…, but we wouldn’t count on it.

Rogal Dorn Tank Details

More Details on the New Rogal Dorn Tank Revealed

Warhammer Community unveiled all the new details, so let’s get into it!

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 2

One thing we wanted to achieve with the silhouette was that perspective of a huge tank looming over you – just like in Imperial propaganda. It’s a demonstration of Imperial might. So it has these huge tracks and a big mantlet around the main gun. Even the curved skid plate makes it look like it can crush its way over a trench. If you look up at the front of it from below, it’s an intimidating vehicle, it has a sense of scale.

We saw more about the actual size of the tank here, but it’s really big and, from this vantage point, is just awesome!

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 3

The stowage is also really versatile – there are plenty of sandbags, packs, tools, and oil canisters – but we’ve been careful with the sizing so they fit in lots of different places. The smaller stowage parts are even cross-compatible with the new Sentinel kit, so you can accessorise those too. 

It’s always fun to mix and match your kits, and from the looks of it, there will be a ton of extra bits!

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 4

It really is an adaptable kit, there are loads of options to suit the role of the tank in your army. You could have it as a lighter, long -range gun platform by leaving off the track guards, side skirts, and sponsons, or you can make it look like a heavy linebreaker with all the armour and extra pintle weapons added on. 

There’s a lot of flexibility with how you place things, so some of the vision slits are optional. If you leave the fuel tanks off the back, there’ll be a crew hatch instead!

Just like with the Baneblade, there will be a lot of extra space on the tank to put things. So, you can either go with something a little easier to paint or add on all the accessories.

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 5

One of my favourite parts is the optional fold-down step for the external gunner. In the past some real-life tanks mounted an external machine gun to deter warplanes, so it’s another narrative element you can add as well as being an extra gun. Besides, isn’t it so very Imperial to have a huge armoured vehicle bristling with weapons, and then have an expendable Guardsman standing vulnerably on the outside?

Last but not least, there are a lot of guns on this bad boy, and you can add some extra gunners. Lastly, they said it will release soon, but no concrete details yet…

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