GW Reveals New Chaos Space Marines Possessed Rules!

new chaos rules space marines codex warhammer 40kGet ready for some serious combat prowess as GW has revealed a bunch of new 40k Chaos Space Marines Possessed rules!

We know that Chaos is finally getting its time in the sun soon and with even more coming from GW, it will be here soon! 

This time around, Warhammer Community revealed a bunch of rules for the new Possessed, which are grabbing new minis. Let’s first look at what the new models look like, then jump into all the new rules.

New Chaos Space Marines Possessed

chaos possessed

Whether you’re a devout Word Bearer eager to share your body with a creature of the warp, an unfortunate victim of your Legion’s Master of Possession, or simply want to field a spectacular squad of devastating daemonkin, these warped and mutated creatures will fit into any force from the new codex.

New Chaos Preview


New Chaos Preview

Heavy-hitting half-daemons offer some monstrous melee power, making them a great way to back up a gathered mob of Cultists. Fortunately, there’s a new box of miniatures on the way to represent those motley mortals foolish or ambitious enough to throw in their lot with the Dark Gods.

New Chaos PreviewThere is a totally new kit for the Possessed that is scaled up to 40mm bases and stands shoulder to shoulder with a Primaris in Gravis armor. The kit looks like there will be many bits, and they even mention it is a big, multi-part kit.

GW Reveals New Chaos Space Marines Possessed 40k Rules!


While the Heretic Astartes are normally able to exert their will over these daemonic parasites, the cacophony of battle and spilling of blood awakens the beast within. In a spasm of transforming limbs, they race off to tear their foes to shreds  – just check out that blistering 9″ Move characteristic.

With 3 Wounds, 5 S/T, and 5 Attacks, they are nothing to be messed with! If you can get a full unit of five into combat, you’ll be getting at least 25 attacks! Then with the 9″ move, hopefully, you’ll be able to get them there before being shot down, but the 3 wounds should really help with that.

Possessed rules

These exceptionally speedy amalgams of muscle and metal are also terrifyingly strong, with a wild assortment of limbs that give them a whopping five attacks. Their hideous mutations are as deadly as they are disgusting, allowing the Possessed to tear apart enemy Space Marines to get at the gooey innards.

Fielded in units of up to 10 models – including a diabolical Possessed Champion with an extra attack – these turbo-threshers are ideal shock troops. They can also take a real beating. The ceaseless shifting of warped armour and anatomy gives the Possessed a formidable Toughness 5, as well as 3 wounds and a Save of 3+ – and as half-daemons, they even get a 5+ invulnerable save. 

With D2 and -2 AP, they should be able to dish out the damage in combat, not to mention they also grab a 5+ Invulnerable save. They are shaping up to be quite strong!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

 Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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