GW’s Lost Orktober, New Eldar, Free Warhammer Minis, Space Wolves Rumors

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Here’s the latest tabletop wargaming news and expert commentary from the world of tabletop wargaming, including Warhammer, updates, new third-party releases, cheap deals, and more!

Latest in Tabletop Miniatures Wargaming: Top Articles of the Week

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The latest Warhammer news from the week is here, and it’s packed with everything from model rumors to meta breakdowns and tantalizing new releases. Whether you’re eyeing revamped Space Wolves, drooling over an epic Emperor vs. Horus diorama, or hunting for the best deals on Kill Team kits, we’ve got the goods.

And yep, there’s even a bomb-toting snowman in the mix (courtesy of Da Red Gobbo, naturally). From whispered hints of a Primarch comeback to new plastic kits, we’re breaking down the essentials for everyone who loves the 40k universe. 

So, let’s get into this week’s hottest topics in the miniatures wargaming space, all chosen by your clicks and views!

RUMORS: New 40k Space Wolves Models, Codex Changes For A 2025 Release

Wild new rumors hint at update Space Wolves models for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, a Logan Grimnar rework, and possibly even the return of Primarch Leman Russ!Get the latest on new 40k Space Wolves model reworks, codex updates, and big changes for Logan Grimnar, Njal Stormcaller, Arjac, and more, all for a rumored 2025 release! Read More

10th Edition 40k: Balance Dataslate Rules Updates, Changes Guide

Balance Datasheet dalatslate warhammer 40k title wal hor 1200Your guide to the Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Balance Dataslate updates (including June and January) and points changes from the Munitorum Field Manual and Rules Commentary. Read More

Horus vs the Emperor Diorama is a Tribute to the Warmaster’s Death

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Build your own Death of Horus diorama and relive the epic Warmaster vs the Emperor battle with Mike McVey’s legendary work! Read More

40k Kill Team Starter Set Review, Contents and Value Are Pretty Shocking

Warhammer 40k kill team space marine heroes starter set

Here’s the new Space Marines Warhammer 40k Kill Team Starter Set contents list, release date, rules, value, and pricing in our updated savings breakdown! Read More

New Embergard, Red Gobbo, Horus Heresy Pre-Order Pricing

new embergard release pre order pricing revealed warahmmer underworlds Warhammer Embergard set, Horus Heresy Melee Weapons Upgrade, Da Red Gobbo pre-order

Here’s the new Warhammer Embergard set, Horus Heresy Melee Weapon Upgrade, Da Red Gobbo lineup, pricing, and links for what you can pre-order this week! Read More

Warhammer Meta: 10th Edition 40k Army Lists Breakdown Oct 21, 2024

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This week’s new and old Warhammer 40k meta yields some interesting results; we’ll examine the 10th Edition team army lists from the SoCal Open and singles at Denver 40k Fight Club. Read More

Warhammer 40k Points Update: New Munitorum Field Manual Released

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40kStart building your new army lists with the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes from October! Warhammer 40k Points Update: New Army Lists with Munitorum Field Manual Read More

Free New Warhammer Mini of the Month & Coin Promo Revealed

gw discount codes games workshop title wal hor warhammer 40k minis gw warhammer free miniature mini model tabletop painting suppliesGet a free new Yaegir Votann mini alongside the latest GW coin promotion for the November 2024 Warhammer 40k or AoS miniature of the month! Read More

RUMORS: New 40k Aeldari Plastic Kits & Release Dates

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Huge news and rumors are here for new Warhammer 40k Aeldari miniatures and release dates for more Eldar Aspect Warriors plastic kits! Read More

GW Confirms the Best & Worst 40k Armies in the Warhammer Meta


According to the data from Games Workshop, these are the best (top winning lists) and worst Warhammer 40k armies in the meta right now! Read More

LEGO Warhammer 40k: Make, Build, and Buy Your Favorites

warhammer lego box art set

Everything we know about how to make, build, and buy LEGO Warhammer 40k kits, from fan creations to custom sets and collaboration guides! Read More

All The Warhammer 40k Commemorative Series, World Exclusives Miniatures You Can Still Get

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre orderLearn why Warhammer Day miniatures, Warhammer World Exclusives, and 40k Commemorative Series are prized collectibles, and find out where to score these rare models, even on the secondary market. Read More

Leaked 40k Fuegan Model Sparks Hype For Rumored Fire Dragons

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Images of a leaked Fuegan model have hobbyists excited, along with rumors of Fire Dragons and Swooping Hawks (hopefully) getting long-awaited updates for Warhammer 40k in 2025! Read More

40k RUMORS: New Plastic Death Korps of Krieg Models, Release Dates

Rumors Death korps of krieg warhammer 40kA whole wave of plastic Death Korps of Krieg is on the way in 2025; here’s the rumored lineup of new models from GW’s hints and rumors. Read More

$125 in Warhammer Miniatures for Just $60 – Customize Your Mystery Box


Choose your Warhammer (or any other game’s) factions and get a mystery miniatures box filled with $125 of value! Enjoy free shipping and a bonus $25 gift on your first order. Read More

Could Horus Lupercal Have Won The Heresy: 40k’s Warmaster Explained

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A complete guide to Horus Lupercal in Warhammer 40k from his art, towering stature, iconic models, and even the lingering question: could the Warmaster have won the Heresy? Read More

Games Workshop Will Never Say Orktober Again

orktober-header-banner-wal-hor-titleGames Workshop will probably never say Orktober again in any official marketing capacity, and there is a pretty good reason why. Read More

Thanks for staying up-to-date with the latest in wargaming hobby news and announcements. We’ve covered everything from new Warhammer releases to meta army lists and paint color conversion charts.

Hopefully, you’re now armed with enough knowledge to dominate your next gaming session or miniatures hobby purchase! If that’s not enough for you, don’t miss these other new releases, top hobby products, and cheap deals:

What do you think about the latest miniatures and tabletop gaming news for this week?