How to Play Adepta Sororitas in 10th Edition Rules Guide

how-to-play-sisters-of-battle-adeptas-soritas-title-wal-hor-10th-Edition-40k-warhammerNew 10th Edition 40k Adepta Sororitas are here – from Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules; here is our review guide on how to play them.

In 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, each army has a new style of play, rules, and plenty of changes. If you’re wondering how to play Adepta Sororitas, what their new rules are, or if you should start collecting them, this review guide will give you plenty of info to mull over. With their miracle dice to pass rolls, the wide variety of datasheets, and a swath of special characters, the Sisters make a very stalwart army that is the match of any army out there! The new Adepta Sororitas seem to be worth considering if you’re looking for a new army in Warhammer 40k.

Find out more from our guide on how to play Adepta Sororitas by jumping to any of the sections below, or dig in from the beginning!

How to Play Adepta Sororitas in 10th Edition 40k: Rules Guide

The new 10th Edition 40k Adepta Sororitas rules come from Warhammer Community.

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules

The benediction of the God-Emperor shines down upon those warriors that fight in His name. On the tabletop, His power is revealed in miraculous deeds of fortitude and divine strength, known as Acts of Faith. Each unit can perform one Act per phase – but first, your army will have to earn Miracle dice.

Miracle Dice are going to stick around in 10th. Sisters players will get one every turn and then whenever their own units are destroyed, but there are plenty of other ways to generate dice!

Sanctorum Guard: Battleforce

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Battleforce Adepta Sororitas – Sanctorum Guard


Adepta Sororitas Hallowed Martyrs Detachment Rules

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules 3

All your warriors are happy to die for the Emperor – and if not, some psycho-stimulants and invasive conditioning will surely change their minds – but those of the Hallowed Martyrs Detachment are particularly overjoyed to join the Golden Throne. As each squad takes casualties, The Blood of Martyrs sends them into a fervent frenzy.

This really makes your units way stronger after losing a few models, so get stuck in the fighting!

New 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Sisters of Battle Datasheets

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules 4

Choose Censer of the Sacred Rose to keep your Battle Sisters steady under the heaviest fire, and combine it with Icon of the Valorous Heart to help them stay alive… or The Fiery Heart to get a juicy 6 on your Miracle dice when they finally do die. Such is the path of martyrdom!

While this has a lot of wounds and a 4+ invulnerable save, with Toughness 3, this is going to be wounded on a 2+ by almost every single heavy weapon. However, being able to pick two of the auras makes this super useful, whether you go with more combat effectiveness, durability, or Acts of Faith buffs!

Only time (and its points cost) will tell how many of these models we see on the field.

Adepta Sororitas DataslateDataslate changes.

Performing two Acts of Faith a phase is super strong! If you have some big tanks or Dominions within range, you can ensure you’re getting those melta shots through!

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules 5

Obviously you can park these Defenders of the Faith on an objective to gain a Miracle dice every round, but it gets better. Use an Act of Faith to help blast your foes off it and you’ll gain a Miracle dice from your creepy little Cherub, plus one for destroying an enemy unit with a Simulacrum Imperialis in tow.

As we thought, there are going to be a lot of ways to gain Miracle Dice, and this unit alone can theoretically gain you 3+ dice. So, if you have two of these parked on objectives, and each destroys a unit, that’s four extra dice.

They also have a ton of weapon options and get a 6+ invulnerable save.

New Weapon Rules

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules 6

If you’re expecting swarms of alien creatures, Exorcist conflagration rockets will help thin out their numbers – or if you’re concerned by enemy armour, load up with the Exorcist missile launcher to punch through plating. Either way, your foes can’t hide from fiery judgement or off-tune karaoke – the Indirect Fire ability makes certain of that.

With Indirect Fire, you can now target units you cannot see, but you are at -1 to hit, and they get cover. Both modes of fire are decent, and you can either destroy a ton of infantry or go after bigger targets.

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules 7

What if a bunch of enemy warriors try to get up close and personal with your giant keytar? Well, you can unleash the power of a High Lord of Terra with Morvenn Vahl and her lance of illumination.

The Strike attack will be good for taking out heavy infantry, but with only Strength 8, it might struggle with tanks; however, the sweep attack is great against lighter infantry 100%!

New Sisters of Battle Warhammer 40k Stratagems

New Sisters of Battle 40k rules 8

Rejoice the Fallen works great for standard Battle Sisters, but if you really want to punish your foe for their blasphemy, use it on a Retributor Squad to reply by unleashing a barrage of heavy weapons. Remember, every slain warrior brings you closer to benefiting from The Blood of Martyrs…

This is a good stratagem to see sticking around, as sometimes you can get lucky and only lose a model or two, then get to fire back with the rest of the unit.

Latest 40k Rules Updates For the Adepta Sororitas:

Balance Datasheet dalatslate warhammer 40k title wal hor 1200

The latest updates for the Adepta Sororitas 10th Edition rules will be released in what Games Workshop calls a Balance Dataslate, sometimes along with accompanying points changes as well.

You can see all the latest Balance Dataslate updates here in our post, which breaks down the most recent changes.

How To Play Warhammer 40k Adepta Sororitas: Points

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40k

You can find the latest points for playing this faction in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k here on our Munitorum Field Manual Points Updates Page.

Adepta Sororitas YouTube Review:

Watch the video below for some more insights into the faction until they get their codex book!

Is It Still Worth Playing Adepta Sororitas?

sisters-of-battle-title-Morven-VahlOf course they are! They are right in the middle in terms of win rate, meaning you can play fun games or tournaments with them and have some really good games. They have a lot of little intricacies with Miracle dice and rules, so they are a fun faction to learn with plenty to sink your teeth into.

10th edition year 1 roadmap

Updates, in general, for any game are just good business. That being said, it also seems like in 2023-2024, GW will have its hands full trying actually to get out all these codexes.

We know the sisters are coming at some point this summer, so whether you love or hate the rules, you don’t have to wait too long until they get a codex.

The new Adepta Sororitas army rules in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k provide exciting changes to the gameplay, rules, and style of the army. Sisters can dominate the battlefield with tons of models, acts of faith, and plenty of great special rules. The army’s squads, vehicles, and Stratagems provide players with a lot of options to defeat their enemies and have some really fun games. Overall, the new Adepta Sororitas army is a force to be reckoned with in Warhammer 40k.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Do you like the Adepta Sororitas rules for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k in this guide? Will you be playing them?