Inquisitor Draxus New 40k Rules & Stratagems REVEALED

new inquisitor rules episode 220New 40k Inquisitor rules are here as we’ve got a first look at Draxus, Psychic Powers, and Stratagem rules from Psychic Awakening: Pariah.

Coming from WarhammerTV on Twitch, they unveiled the new Inquisitor Draxus rules as well as one of the new Stratagems coming inside Psychic Awakening’s Pariah. Let’s bite into this juicy peach.

Inquisitor Draxus Rules & Stratagem Support REVEALED

inquisitor draxus 1


inquisitor draxus 2Draxus is a Xenos Inquisitor who openly sports a Shuriken Weapon. Of course, the Imperium twenty years ago would have never let this happen, but Guilliman is making mankind more progressive. She’s a brand new character coming inside Psychic Awakening’s Pariah and will have her own set of unique rules.

inquisitor draxus datasheetAs you’d expect either being a human in power armor, she’s T3 with a 3+ armor save. Her Shuriken weapon (called Dirgesinger) is an assault 2, 2-damage gun that has a -3 AP characteristic of wounds on a 6+. The Assault mechanic on the gun is nice, but at only two shots, don’t expect to get too many kills with her.

She’ll really shine as a support unit with her paralysis grenades. You can charge her into a scary unit(s) along with another decent melee squad and she’ll force a single enemy unit she’s within 1″ of to fight last under normal conditions. While we’re talking about her combat capabilities, she’s also probably not going to be a pushover. Judging by her model, she’s got a powerfist that should be the expected SX2, -3 AP D3 damage at -1 to hit.

Lastly, for her psychic support, Shang, her pet will let her smite be a forgettable power. That means she can pick out characters from a crowd and deal D3 mortal wounds if you want.

New  Inquisitor Stratagems

Warhammer community also mentioned some older rules from the November White Dwarf, but also what appears to be two new stratagems, and one Psychic Power from an offshoot Ordo branch.

9th edition inquisition stratagem alpha class psykerFor the last bit of coverage on Inquisition support from the Stream, there’s the Alpha-Class Psyker Strat. At 1CP, you can pick a non-named Inquisitor. They’ll know one additional psychic power and can attempt to deny an additional one in the Psychic phase.

Note that you only KNOW an additional psychic power. You can’t actually cast an additional one. That would put a regular Inquisitor up to Cast 1/ Deny 2 (knowing smite +2 from the Telethesia discipline).

That’s not a terrible ability, especially for fans of the Inquisition who have some dope converted Inquisitor models. However, with all the other named Inquisitors out there and their bag of tricks they offer, we probably won’t see this come into play too much.

clandestine operation stratagem inquisition 40k ruleClandestine Operation Stratagem seems pretty fun to get a direct bead on your quarry with either a psychic inquisitor or some monkey shooting (or both), and screams 9th edition mechanics! Pretty tactical indeed.

New Psychic Powers For Inquisitors Too?

warding incantation inquisition 40k rule

The Ordos may be getting more Psychic Powers from the ones that they just got in November. But as you can see below Warding Incantation, appears to just be a copypasta of Power Though Knowledge, so it’s unclear if this is a typo or a whole new tree of powers that were unlocked.

november White dwarf inquisition 5

That’s it so far, but stay tuned for more previews and reveals from Psychic Awakening Pariah soon, and be sure to check out how much all this will cost you in our pricing and lineup post.

What do you think about Draxus’ datasheet? How many points should she cost to be a competitive option? Do you have a homegrown Inquisitor model you use in all your games? 


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