Rumor Engine Hints More Knights On The Way?

knight titan wal hor

Games Workshop dropped another Rumor Engine yesterday, and it’s leading a lot of folks to believe there are going to be more Imperial Knights on the way in the future. 

The latest Rumor Engine picture from Games Workshop looked oddly familiar when we first saw it.


The latest Rumor Engine picture looks to be a set of exhaust pipes, and, after a little bit of digging, we think we’ve finally identified a leading contender for what this rumor engine may go to.

Turn your head to the right, look at the image, and then think about the exhaust on an Imperial Knight.

Imperial Knight Exhaust

The heat shields match up perfectly, but the top of the pipes are a little smaller which leads us to believe it’s going to be a little smaller than the Imperial Knight Warden pictured above.

However, this is still a Rumor Engine image and this is just our educated guess. So on that note, we would like to hear what you think. Could this, in fact, be a preview of a new Knight?

We had heard a rumor that there would be another variant of the knight that would be coming our after the Forgebane release:

Praise the Omnissiah!

As I invoke the sacred texts and raise the memory banks… there are 4 knight boxes coming.

The Amiger Warblade we’ve seen
There’s something I think called a “Helliger” <spelling mistake is possible>

There’s a Castellan
And another one that I think was called a Valiant which again may be the wrong name but is similar.

I think I saw they will rerelease Imperial Knight Renegade

And then you have a codex, datacards and I think dice, but don’t quote me on that last bit.

It’s a great time to be a Knight Senschal

Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know what YOU think it is!

Necron Codex

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