LIVE Reveals From Games Workshop’s Preview

hor of space marine and chaos

The time is now, Games Workshop is previewing more of their 2018 releases tonight at Adepticon. We are covering the event live as it unfolds from 9pm to 10pm EST

We saw a ton of previews already from GW for the 2018 release calendar at GAMA last week,, and have been hearing a ton of rumors about possible campaign books, primarchs, and even new Chaos Space Marine as well.

Image via Warhammer Community posted after the live preview

++++ LIVE UPDATES +++++

8:35 EST: We will be live updating this page with live reveals as they happen.

9:05 EST: We’re in the preview room.

9:15 EST: It has begun

9:17 EST: Warhammer champions ccg cards revealed, some sort of booster pack game Sigmar, that you get cards in some sort of digital format.

9:21 EST: More advanced Rumor Engine pics reveal not on a Tuesday for Deepkin

9:22 EST: FISH! Deepkin models reveal described as:

  • Sea elves on bike like fish and eel mounts
  • Giant turtle chariot model
  • Flying sharks

all with huge positive reception

9:23 EST: Shadespire; years of releases planned with two new factions for 2018. Cards out to number 557.
9:25 EST: Kill Team, stand alone release info
9:26 EST: Codex Harlequin officially announced.
9:27 EST: Deathwatch Codex officially announced.

9:28 EST: Imperial Knights Codex officially announced.

9:29 EST: New Imperial Knight Model officially announced.

9:30 EST: On to community news.

9:31 EST:  Free 40k Army Builder program called Combat Roster rolling out on Games Workshop site with day 1 codex content.

9:32 EST: App to follow, some confusion on if this program will have points or power levels.

9:33 EST: More made to order Dark Elves for AoS

9:34 EST: Warhammer Legends, New website attached to communities Old units for Sigmar, all will get rules, first up is dark elves

plastic sisters of battle

9:34 EST: PLASTIC SISTERS 2019 SET YOUR CLOCKS New models being designed now.

9:38 EST:  This winter’s chapter approved will beta test new Sister of Battle rules.

9:39 EST: Going to bring updates as things go for the SoB including previews and art before launch.

9:40 EST: New primaris mini, holding helmet in hand, exclusive models for independent models that will be given away

9:41 EST: Next year’s Adepticon is getting it’s own mini

Over the past few years, we’ve been lucky enough to support and attend some fantastic independent events round the world, with AdeptiCon being just one of the highlights of our calendar. The passion of the organisers and attendees of these events has been nothing short of inspirational, and we really wanted to do something extra special to reward their commitment to the Warhammer hobby. So, starting at AdeptiCon 2019, we’ll be introducing all-new miniatures and giving them exclusively to events like AdeptiCon and their attendees. Here’s an early concept of what that first miniature might look like:

9:42 EST: New team at Forge World to work on AoS, Khorne dragon is almost done.

9:43 EST: On to Q&A

9:47 EST: New Imperial Knight named Castellan

9:48 EST: Live Action video of Knight with 6 guns 2 shoulder 2 chest All dual barrel except arms. More than 1 big kit… Like a “Mini imperator”

9:50 EST: Warhammer cafe is wanting to sell Forge World as well as have Warhammer World style displays here in the states

Shadespire Post

9:51 EST: New Shadespire boards planed, but nothing yet

9:52 EST: March 40k FAQ is done, but won’t be publish until after Adepticon.

9:53 EST: Campaigns after 40k codices released ( A Spikey Bits prediction since 8th debuted with is advanced release schedule)

9:54 EST: Organized play packs for kill team officially announced

9:55 EST: Teclis talking in Deepkin video to air shortly on all channels. Tide mechanic changes Deepkin abilities. Similar to Maggotkin?

9:57 EST: Chaos Space Marine updates before Sisters in 2019 (no major updates to Death Guard)

10:03 EST: Games Workshop puts off all questions about Abaddon, Russ, and Fulgrim.


How do these reveals line up with the most recent rumors from the last week below:

New 2018 Releases For All GW Product Lines!


space marine wal hor wide

Games Workshop just gave us a huge preview of what’s to come, and it looks like we’re going to be seeing new releases for their major lines: 40k, Shadespire, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, and Age of Sigmar!

RUMORS: New 40k Rivalries, Primarch Models & More

Primarch Lion El Jonson Wal Hor

Come see the latest rumors of new 40k rivalries, four upcoming primarchs, and campaign expansion releases, all for Warhammer 40,000.

Remember to check back later tonight for our LIVE coverage of their GW preview seminar for our expert hobby opinions on whatever is revealed!

xenos codex

Latest News From Games Workshop & Beyond