Long War Doubles at AdeptiCon is an Event You Don’t Want to Miss!

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The Long War Doubles 40k Tournament is making a triumphant return to AdeptiCon with more spots than last year!

This event will be one of the biggest wargaming events of the year, so it’s worth going to if you can. If you’re going with a friend, the doubles tournament is a fun way to spend some time and show off your hobby skills.

AdeptiCon is just a super fun place to be, so if you want to play the doubles event, be sure to get on the wait list or stop by on the day of the event to grab your spot!

Long War Doubles at AdeptiCon is an Event You Don’t Want to Miss!

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The event focuses more on the fun and hobby side of things in 40k! So, if you want to have fun with a friend and get some games in, this will be your event! Your hobby score (which includes how fun you are to play with and against) makes up 80% of your score! So if you have an excellent army and are fun to play with, grab a friend and play the event.

Obviously, GW dropped some huge changes to Warhammer 40k, so we wanted to keep everyone updated on how the scoring will work, what rules will be used, and the missions. The tournament is always focused on the hobby and fun side of things, so the new scoring will be 80% hobby (which includes how fun you are to play against) and 20% battle score.

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to stay updated, be sure to join the Discord here. You can direct your questions to the new Long War Doubles Category down at the bottom of the Discord page. It should be an easy way to get notified and field questions for the event!

Let’s jump into everything you need to know for AdeptiCon and the Long War Doubles.

AdeptiCon 2023 Long War Doubles Updated Rules & Scoring

AdeptiCon 2023 Long War doublesSo, some big things to note here, at AdeptiCon, the 2023 Balance Dataslate will be in effect! Your scorecard is broken down with 80% hobby and 20% battle score. Sportsmanship is also a big deal at this event, and it makes up a big part of your score, so keep that in mind.

AdeptiCon 2023 Long War doubles 2There are some really fun awards with many different criteria, so even if you don’t win your games, there are plenty you can still score in terms of prizes. Now, check out the missions we’ll be playing.

Long War Doubles Missions For AdeptiCon

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AdeptiCon 2023 Long War doubles 7 AdeptiCon 2023 Long War doubles 8There you have it, the three missions for this year! Again, if you have any questions or need more clarification, be sure to join Discord at the link below.

Join the Discord Here For Updates!

Just an important note on playing, only the team captain has to buy a ticket. So don’t go buying two tickets for the same team! If you want to learn more about the event, check out everything it’s about and grab the mission pack here!

That does it for this one; we can’t wait to see you in March!

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