Master Blaster Runs Nurgle-town! Army of One

By Rob Baer | October 15th, 2012 | Categories: Army of One, Chaos Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around.

If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.

Today we take a look at Masterblaster by Dan (AKA SQUOZE, HERALD OF NURGLE).

Dan wrote in with pics of this model, and a brief description on he created it! I’ll let him take it away;

My name is Dan, and I enjoy Nurgle- maybe a little too much.  Ever since the new Nurglings box set came out, I have been enjoying adding Nurglings to my models.  It might be getting ridiculous, but it always makes me laugh.
This submission is a Daemon Prince of Nurgle.  I had the model constructed and sitting unpainted for quite some time.  When I finally got my hands on a few boxes of the Nurglings, I knew I needed to add some to the Daemon Prince… then inspiration struck me when I saw his outstreched hand.  I had often wondered about the dubious nature of his open hand, is he asking me for a 5?  Spare change?.  A quick dab of glue, one Nurgling, and about 30 minutes of immature snickering later, you have the model here.  

He never fails to bring a smile to my face.  We usually joke that the Nurgling is the Daemon Prince, and the big guy holding him is his bodyguard.  Master Blaster runs Bartertown.  Thank you.

 -No, thank you Dan!- MBG