Milwaukee GT III: Top 40k Tournament Army Lists

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Don’t miss the top Warhammer 40k tournament army lists featuring Astra Militarum, Orks, and Eldar from the Milwaukee GT III.

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand

Final Standings:

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which 40k factions’ playstyles and army lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our expert commentary on their selections. 

Studying these winning army lists for their tactical synergies can provide great insights for your strategic approach to playing since the latest balance dataslate rules changes and points updates. If you want to elevate your game even further, consider applying to Team USA to compete at the World Team Championships each year!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. Click this special promo link to save $20 on a year’s subscription to BCP.

Milwaukee GT III top 8

1st Place: Wesley St.Hines – Astra Militarum / Imperial Guard Army Lists

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The Astra Militarum doesn’t always get to stand in the limelight—especially when the galaxy is swarming with post-human demigods, reality-breaking psykers, and biomechanical horrors. But every once in a while, a regiment of gritty, lasgun-wielding soldiers shows up and reminds the grimdark universe that, yes, sheer overwhelming numbers can get the job done.

At Milwaukee GT III, a particularly well-drilled force of humanity’s finest proved just that. The list that took the crown wasn’t built around massive tanks or towering war machines, but rather a calculated mix of elite infantry, durable bodies, and enough command structure to keep everything marching in perfect order. Let’s break down what made this army tick—and why the Emperor is undoubtedly nodding in approval.

Wesley St.Hines 1

Any Astra Militarum force worth its salt lives and dies by its orders, and this one was no different. Three Tempestus command squads, a Catachan command squad, and none other than Ursula Creed herself formed the backbone of battlefield coordination. That’s a lot of shouted directives, but in war, timing and positioning mean everything. Whether it was advancing troops to hold a flank, hammering down fire lanes, or keeping the enemy guessing with movement tricks, this leadership core kept the army fighting like a well-oiled machine.

Gaunt’s Ghosts made an appearance as well, their status as lone operatives allowing them to operate independently from the rest of the force. It’s fitting—after all, they’re the best at what they do: staying hidden, striking hard, and somehow surviving against all odds.

Wesley St.Hines 2

A proper regiment needs boots on the ground, and this list had them. Three units of Jungle Fighters brought plenty of lasgun barrels to the fray, backed up by a Death Korps unit that added just enough trench-fighting resilience to the mix. None of these troops are particularly flashy, but they do their job: take ground and hold it with nothing but grit and orders ringing in their ears.

Fire support came in the form of three Catachan heavy weapon teams, all armed with mortars. Lobbing explosives from the safety of cover, these teams softened up enemy ranks and kept pressure on key areas. Mortars are often overlooked in favor of flashier weapons, but in the right hands, they turn the battlefield into a constant barrage of death and disruption.

Wesley St.Hines 3

The elite arm of this force wasn’t lacking either. Two Kasrkin units and four Tempestus Scion squads brought disciplined, high-precision firepower where it was needed. Whether deep striking or repositioning for key objectives, these squads excel at striking targets of opportunity and cutting down priority threats before they can become a problem.

For some added muscle, the army included an Ogryn bodyguard, because sometimes you just need a slab of pure violence to stand between your officers and an oncoming melee rush. Ogryns don’t do subtlety, but they do smash things. Hard.

Wesley St.Hines 4

Then there were the Aquilons, bringing much-needed mobility. Getting troops where they need to be—whether to grab an objective or cut off an enemy’s retreat—can make all the difference in a game. This unit provided that flexibility while packing enough firepower to deal with threats along the way.

Lastly, this army didn’t leave battlefield conditions to chance. An Aegis Defense Line helped provide consistent cover, ensuring that the regiment’s positioning wasn’t dictated entirely by the terrain gods. In a game where firing angles and survivability matter, having a fortified line to fall back on can be the difference between a hard-fought victory and a scattered retreat.

2nd Place: Matthew Root – Orks Army Lists

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Matthew Root 1


Matthew Root 2


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Matthew Root 5

3rd Place: Ben Cherwien –  Eldar / Aeldari Army Lists

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Ben Cherwien eldar 1


Ben Cherwien eldar 2


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Ben Cherwien eldar 4

Final Thoughts on Army Lists: Milwaukee GT III

And there you have it—Milwaukee GT III wrapped up in style! The Astra Militarum, led by Wesley St. Hines, reminded us that numbers and clever orders can outshine even the biggest tanks in the galaxy.

Big shout-out to Matthew Root and his Orks, who showed us that sometimes chaos and a good old Waaagh! are all you need to make a splash. And let’s not forget Ben Cherwien’s Eldar, dazzling us with their cool precision and psychic prowess.

Whether you’re piloting a disciplined Astra force, charging in with Ork fervor, or gliding smoothly as an Eldar finesse artist, each faction brings its own unique flair to the game. So rally your troops, strategize your next move, and gear up for your next gaming session! After all, in this grimdark universe, every victory counts, no matter how small.

So, whether you’re planning to play in the next big tournament or just looking to spice up your games at home, take a page from these winners and remember: every unit counts, and sometimes, all you need is a good plan and a whole lot of golden armored bodies.

See the Top Warhammer Army Lists & 40k Tournament Schedule for 2025

What do you think of the results and top Warhammer 40k Milwaukee GT III army lists for Astra Militarum, Orks, and Eldar?