More Clues 9th Edition 40k is Happening, or Just Coincidence…

rumor engine primarisNew clues that 9th Edition 40k may actually be a thing today were just spotted, as we march towards an unknown 40k future after Psychic Awakening…

So something new hit the port recently that we weren’t really expecting. As you take a look at this it’s probably worth mentioning to keep an open mind about that it might be.

Here’s the latest on what was just spotted:

More Clues 9th Edition 40k is Happening, or Just Coincidence…

gw vinyl productSpotted hitting the ports just recently, it looks like a whole pallet of 23 boxes, each containing 100 pcs of a “40k window vinyl” are on the way to GW’s North American Warehouse. For those who don’t know what a window vinyl is, it’s basically a peel-off sticker for big storefront windows.

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On that note, our guess is that it’s some kind of 40k promo for stores to pull-in customers. So what’s the occasion? 

Could It Be Preparing for a New Edition/Huge Release?

GW cut outImage from Legends Comics and Games Facebook Page.

Back at the start of 8th edition and AoS 2.0, we saw these two massive cardboard cut-outs hit storefronts. There still may be one in your LGS today. These popped up in stores all over the world to draw people in and hype up the new editions.

We’ve even seen these types of promos hit stores for GW’s smaller games like the more recent Aeronautica Imperialis (cardboard cutout Thunderbolt) and a counter-top Warlord titan for Titancius as well.

Now with all the past moves from GW covered, could this massive shipment be the start of GW’s preparations to hype up a new edition? We’ve been hearing from all sorts of different sources over the web for a while now that a 9th edition 40k was on the way.

Here are some of the latest highlights to get you caught up if you’ve missed them, but be sure to start from the beginning if this is all new to you!

9th Edition or Not 9th Edition- That is the Question

SaltFaeit212 had this to say:

so far in WH40K 8th edition, for the Empire – as written in the “Emperor Angelicus” comments – the settings was not so dark as previously (despite the Nihil Empire, the Cicatrix and  so forth), but the real tempest will arrive after the end of the Psychic Awakening Series (scheduled to last a year from number 1) when we are supposed to see first something like Vigilus in size and scope, and that will be the grand finale that will lead to the 9th (maybe a book/special characters more around March 2021).

If this single rumor holds up, it means we still have time before GW pulls the trigger on something like a new edition. However, it wouldn’t surprise us to see GW begin to make moves this early in advance to make sure everything is ready when they do decide to overhaul the rules.

Or Could It Just Be Coincidence…

space wolf primarisAll in all, GW has been busier than ever since 8th edition rolled around. Plus with all the new Primaris and lore advancements going on currently, it could just be an innocent rework of their brand promotion. We know that those cardboard cut-outs from above take up an awkward footprint and not all stores were created equal.

Depending on the store, that cut-out might have been more of a nuisance than it was a draw. Mainly because of the limited space. Of course, GW could have just reworked their design into a Vinyl form. That way it takes up virtually no space now that it’ll be on the glass.

At the end of the day, we’re stuck with needing more info until we know for sure. While there has been more and more momentum in the rumor world on a new edition, we’re left waiting to see what’ll shake out.

So on that note, what are your thoughts on the new Vinyls? Could they be the start of 9th edition prepping? Do you think they’ll be something to do with Primaris? 

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