More New Necrons Releases on the Way (Besides Imotekh)

Chaos-rumors-title-hor-wal-1280-site-warhammer-40k-games-workshop1More new Necron releases other than the Imotekh the Stormlord are on the way, and it’s even been confirmed by Games Workshop.

We heard rumors not too long ago about a decent number of new Necron models along with the codex, and then at the Warhammer Day Preview, GW confirmed there would be more models than just Imotekh.

We think there is a good chance they will spill the beans on these new Necron releases at their November Grand Narrative preview.

So, we’ll check out the new model and jump into the rumors (that have been right so far) to see what else is on the way for the faction.

More New Necrons on the Way… Besides Imotekh

These new 40k Necrons, Ad Mech models, and box set rumors come from Valrak.

10th edition year 1 roadmapTo start, these are the next two armies with codex releases coming up.

If you remember, in 9th Edition, when two books came out at basically the same time, they would release a box set with some new minis for both armies. However, from the sounds of these rumors, these may be a bit more spread apart as winter technically starts on December 21st 2023, and ends on March 19th, 2024.

That leaves three months for Games Workshop to drop these releases, perhaps one month apart, as we saw with Autumn’s Space Marines and Tyranids release.

Now, let’s jump into what each army will get according to the latest rumors.

RUMORS: New 40k Necrons & Ad Mech Models on the Way!

Adeptus Mechanicus Sydonian Skatros

The original rumor said:

GW has been leaning on the steampunk vibe, and the new model should fit right in. From the rumors, Ad Mech will only get one new model, and it will be a generic HQ model on stilts of some kind. Maybe something like the legs of the Ruststalkers, or maybe much bigger, more like the Ironstrider.

Other than that, we heard it will have a sniper rifle, maybe like a super powerful radium jezail. There is not much info on the actual stats of the weapon. We’ll have to see, but it sounds exciting and might let you pick off enemy characters. 

We’re just putting this here, because with the first two models right, the rest of the rumors bode well. You can see the full reveal here.

Now onto the Necrons. 

new imotekh stormlordNecrons are getting much more, starting with Imotekh the Stormlord, which obviously turned out true as well! You can see his full reveal here. 

New 40k Necrons Models 3

Current Orikan The Diviner in Finecast

Next up on the rumor train is Orikan the Diviner, another decently old model and an easy update for GW.

The final release for Necrons will be a more generic HQ character, but there isn’t a ton of info on whether it will be a new Lord or something bigger…

Either way, GW said there will be more than one model, and even if they only get three new kits, it will be better than one!

Now, onto the full reveal of what we’ve seen so far for new Adeptus Mechanicus and Necron model rules and releases

New Imotekh the Stormlord & Necrons Codex Revealed: Warhammer Day 2023 Preview

From Warhammer Community.

Imotekh cinematic


Imotekh cinematic 2


Imotekh cinematic 3


Imotekh cinematic 5


new imotekh stormlord

Imotekh’s machine mind fizzes with hyperlogical strategic abilities that give his intricate plans the uncanny feeling of prescience, and with a casual gesture he can blacken the skies with teeming invasion forces. Thanks to his Gauntlet of Fire and Staff of the Destroyer, he’s pretty handy in a fight too – and just look at that cloak.

Imotekh The Stormlord may have taken a backseat in the 9th edition when the Silent King rose up, but as a political rival, he’s back and ready for some advances.

Nercons 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Rules

new necron codex

This auspicious Phaeron is just one of the new miniatures in Codex: Necrons – awakening protocols for the rest aren’t quite complete yet. The fourth Codex of the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 contains everything you could possibly want to know about the severe and uncompromising Necron Dynasties.

Necrons will also get their new 10th Edition codex release alongside Imotekh’s return to the forefront. In the stream, they also mentioned that Imotekh was the first model reveal but not the only one for Necrons! So, look forward to lots more miniatures.  Perhaps we will even see all the ones that have been rumored here.

hyperphasic recall

The Awakened Dynasty returns from the Index, and is still the perfect way to run a silver tide of Necron Warriors that your enemy just cannot put down. More esoteric forms of warfare are enabled by the Hypercrypt Legion, which lets Necron units hyperphase into Strategic Reserves at the end of the enemy turn. Bring along a Monolith or two to make use of their Eternity Gates to return units, and trigger powerful Stratagems like Hyperphasic Recall.

For a quick rules preview, they showed off the stratagem Hyperphasic Recall, which at 2 CP is pretty interesting, giving generals an option for some mind games and punishing opponents who go in on a unit but can’t finish it off fast enough.

necron eternal madness

For those that prefer something simpler, the Annihilation Legion unlocks the true murderous potential of the Destroyer Cults. Even death cannot put an end to the Eternal Madness of these deranged killers, who will continue to butcher their foes on a 4+ when taken down in the Fight phase – just what the Skorpekh Lord ordered.

Lastly, Eternal Madness makes a unit really difficult to kill without a fight!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about all the rumors for 10th Edition 40k Necron releases? 

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