New 10th Edition 40k Trailer Teases New Starter Set & Models

new-10th-edition-trailer-teases-models-revealed-warhammer-termagants-terminators-tyrnaids-space-marines-40k-starter-setTons of new Space Marines and Tyranids miniatures are coming starting with these 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Terminators and Termagants!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about them, along with our commentary on it as well!

GW has officially confirmed the new 10th edition of Warhammer 40k, and they showed off a bunch of the rules changes as well!  Alongside the launch, new Terminators and Termagants models will make up the new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Set!

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

Adepticon 2023 Preview Online

GW previews AdeptiCon 2023 2

Fear not though, because the Warhammer Studio will also host the Warhammer Preview Online at 3:00am GMT. Trust us you will absolutely not want to miss this one – it’s going to be a real showstopper. 

The reveal stream will be hosted live on Twitch and Warhammer Community, and you’ll be able to watch it later if you’re still sensibly tucked up in bed or busy working when the show goes live.

A 10 pm preview on a Wednesday night here in the states, what a time to be alive!

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Trailer Reveals New Space Marines & Tyranids Miniatures!

First off, if you haven’t watched the video above, you should! It’s intense! We’ve also included some of our favorite stills below, but there are tons of potential teases for new models packed into the trailer, so see what you can notice!

What we saw included potential new models for a Terminator Librarian, a new Redemptor Dreadnought, a new Infiltrator-like troop, a new Tyranid Psyker, and potentially a rework of the classic Screamer Killer Carnifex with bioplasma attack.

Plus, what looked to be even more new Tyranids as well!  We are sure there might even be more new models hidden in plain sight after the community takes its time to dive into the frames!

New Terminators


Space hulk new 2


Space Hulk

Plus, we got a look at two new confirmed models right off the bat!

GW Previews New 10th Edition Terminators & Termagants Miniatures

New Terminators 4

Leading the assault are the much-improved new Space Marine Terminators. These juggernauts of death have been rescaled and resculpted to look as imposing as the lore demands. If Tyranids could feel fear… they would fear these guys.

As one of the most iconic, popular, and well-loved models, new Terminators will go a long way! This will significantly impact the look and feel of Warhammer 40k on tabletop since tons of people will be using them!

New Terminators 5

Here we can see the scale of the updated Terminator next to a Primaris marine and the older terminator. A bulkier, more intimidating model is a perfect fit for these durable threats.

Games Workshop went back and looked at 30 years of Terminators and revealed more about the new 10th Edition models in a recent post!

Terminators 10th Edition

Terminator armour first appeared in 1988 with a unique high-shouldered armour design. However, 1989 was truly the year of the Terminator with several iconic new designs added to the armoury. Issue 112 of White Dwarf laid out the background for this formidable wargear and established the style of Terminator armour we know and love today. The first edition of Space Hulk was released a mere month later, cementing that age-old rivalry with Genestealers.

Terminators aka Tactical Dreadnought Armor, have come a long way, but the models have always been really cool and just so iconic!

Terminators 10th Edition 2

It is this pattern that forms the basis for the new Terminators, now substantially filled out to match the scale, and the increased detail, of modern Space Marines.

Together as a group of five, they look pretty awesome, and now teleporting them in will be even more cinematic!

Terminators 10th Edition 3

Obviously, you can paint them up however you want, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting chapter-specific bits for a little while.

Be sure to check out the video below for more details on the new Terminators!

New Tyranids Termagants Miniatures

New tyranids 3

What would a Tyranid army be without its swarm of lesser creatures though? Even the humble Termagant is getting quite the glow-up

If you want to get an idea of what else might be included in the new edition’s launch set, we suggest you go back and watch that awesome cinematic again… 

Of course, just like the Terminator, players of Tyranids will love this new model update, as they are a vital part of the Tyranid lineup! Not to mention the Tyranids will clearly be getting tons of new models, just like the Necrons did on the last edition’s release!

New tyranids 4

Here again, we see a size comparison, with the new model keeping very close to the original design, except getting much more detailed and slightly larger!

Hidden Models in the Trailer

10th edition Tyranids

First up, we’ve heard rumors for a while about a flamer unit/Pyroblasters, and it looks like it’s coming true. Them having a very similar style to the Black Templars ones. On top of that, they also show some combi-flamer units, so plenty of new flames to burn those Nids!

10th edition Tyranids 2

A new Carnifex seems to be up next with some kind of plasma attack!

10th edition Tyranids 6

Then for the Nids, if they are getting new Termagants, it only makes sense they get new Hormagaunts and Ripper Swarms!

10th edition Tyranids 3

Back to the Space Marines, they basically confirm the new Redemptor-style shooting dread. We’ve heard rumors forever, so it only makes sense.

10th edition Tyranids 5

These were a little hard to see, but if you ask us, this looks like new Lictors! They are quite old minis, so it would be nice to see them get a rework.

10th edition Tyranids 10

This looks like it could be a new Biovore where they eat up ammo and shoot it out.

10th edition Tyranids 9The little bugs on side of the big psychic bug look like OG walking Zoanthropes in our opinion. 

10th edition Tyranids 7Terminator Librarian with force axe, and even though he dies in the trailer, he’ll be back!

10th edition Space MarinesThis looks like a new Gravis Apothecary but we don’t really get a good shot of weapons. 

10th edition Space Marines 2

This could be new Sternguard Veterans maybe? Not the best shots of it in the trailer.

10th edition Space Marines 4

Last but not least, this looks to be a new Phobos Captain or Lieutenant, dual-wielding combat knives.

So that seems to give us the following new miniatures in the Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Box set:

New 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Miniatures:

  • 1 Terminator captain
  • 1 Terminator librarian (inspired by 19080s Space Hulk)
  • 5 Terminators
  • 1 Ancient
  • 5 Intercessors Sternguards (with similar rifles to Heavy Intercessors, and wearing similar robes)
  • 10 Incursors (with flamers similar to Black Templars)
  • 1 New Redemptor Dreadnought (with missiles & twin lascannon)
  • 1 Gravis Apothecary
  • 1 Phobos-style Lieutenant or Captain with new weapon load outs. Perhaps a Tyrannic War Veteran as he kills bugs good with just two combat knives.

New 10th Edition 40k Tyranids Miniatures:

  • Larger Psychic Brain Bug with two 90s style Zoanthrope ‘familiars’
  • Shrike Prime (so big it rips a Terminator in half)
  • Lictor (takes out the Apothecary)
  • Screamer Killer Carnifex  style model with Bio Plasma Attack
  • New Termigants
  • New Hormagaunts (seem to run like dinosaurs from the movies)
  • Smaller Toxicrenes, Biovores, or even a new Pyrovore style models with feeder tendrils that look to scavage the ground.
  • Ripper Swarms
  • Spore Mines (larger perhaps)
So from the looks of it, the new 10th Edition Starter set will have a ton of new models inside. Plus, there are sure to be lots more previews coming soon for both this box and the launch of Warhammer 40k 10th Edition in general!

Lots more previews and teasers are on the way as we head into summer and the official launch of the new edition!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new reveals at the 2023 AdeptiCon preview? 

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