GW Confirms New 40k Daemons Warp Storm Points Rules

chaos-daemons-codex-new-9th-editionGW confirmed the new 40k Daemons rules and how Warp Storm points will let you change the battlefield simply by being Daemons- check it out!

We’ve seen a ton of rumors for the new codex, but only a few actually confirmed by GW, so it’s good to get more from them. Plus, there were rumors about this, but now we know it’s true! Which probably means a lot of the other rumors are true as well…

Warhammer Community just unveiled the rules, but first, let’s check out the daemon saves and profiles we’ve seen.

Warhammer 40k Daemon Saves

Daemon Saves

Conventional armaments use crackling power fields and explosive force to punch through armour and alien hide, yet these munitions have little effect on inhuman horrors from the empyrean. Daemonic Invulnerability provides your seething hordes with two unmodifiable saves. The first represents their durability in melee, and the second offers them a defence against ranged firepower.

As you’d expect, Bloodletters care little about where the blood flows from in melee – and with those new stats, they’re even better at shedding it than before – but they make for a more challenging target at range. It might be their unnatural loping gait, or perhaps Khorne’s just too busy enjoying the spectacle of close combat to lend his protection?

As you can see, they are changing the saves to actually be two-parters (no longer just a single Daemon save) with one for melee and one for shooting. They also say they are unmodifiable, so even things that ignore invulnerable saves do not affect these (they say even Railguns don’t ignore them).

On top of that, Bloodletters are getting way better with extra Strength, Toughness, and an attack. However, it does look like they are all going down by 1 LD.

Pink Horrors

Daemon Saves 2

On the other hand(s), Pink Horrors are even squishier than before in close combat – but bullets and flames simply pass through their shifting forms as they blink in and out of existence. As with everything, this is by Tzeentch’s design – slaying one Horror just leaves you grappling with two more.

Pink Horrors having a 3+ invuln from shooting is actually pretty crazy. However, that’s offset by their 6+ in melee. Their profile isn’t changing much other than 3+ BS, which is nice, but again their LD goes down by one.

New 40k Daemons Warp Storm Points Rules Confirmed!

Warp Storm Rules 5So, how do you get the points? Well, it’s pretty simple, but it will add another step to the command phase.

The power of a Warp Storm ebbs and flows, and you’ll never quite know how much magical mojo you’ll have at your command until the turn begins. It’s as simple as rolling eight dice and counting how many 4+ you score – a good turn will bestow plenty of Warp Storm points (or WSPs), but there’s always the chance Tzeentch will trip you up and leave your eddies becalmed.

Warp Storm Rules

All daemonic armies have access to eight Chaos Undivided effects to spend their WSPs on. These range from shrouding your force in an obscuring veil of shadow to throwing enemy reinforcements off target, but all can hurl a mighty spanner into the works of an opponent’s war machine.

Descending Shadow is kind of expensive (considering you should get on average 4 points per turn), but giving -1 to hit is nice, especially with how Daemon saves work. Then, Malicious Misdirection is situational but can be very strong against certain armies.

Warp Storm Rules 2

Each of the four Chaos Gods likes to add their own special ingredients to the Warp Storm soup, and Detachments comprised entirely of their followers grant access to three more effects for each Ruinous Power. In typical fashion, a Khorne storm makes everyone very angry indeed – fighting just that bit harder in close combat – while Nurgle makes it rain cats and dogs, if the cats were plagues and the dogs were also plagues.

Adding one attack to the entirety (possibly) of your army is just insane. Especially since it doesn’t say core, this can help them burst through. For only 2 points, the Nurgle one can be decent as it’s every unit. However, needing to get those on 6’s is quite hard.

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Tzeentch & Slaanesh Daemons Warp Storm Points

Warp Storm Rules 3

Tzeentch can take advantage of the roiling warp currents to empower his favourite sorcerers, filling their air with even more psychic madness than usual. Meanwhile, Slaanesh does what he does best, infusing his warriors with quicksilver speed to get those crab claws snapping before anyone even thinks of striking back.

Adding 1 to all of your psychic rolls is super strong and will make your spells even more powerful! Then, having the entirety of your army fight first for Slaanesh is awesome! On average, you should get 4 points, but if you roll bad, some of these might be out of range if you get unlucky.

Tallyman Epidemius

Warp Storm Rules 4

Luckily for those who thrive in the maelstrom, the fetters of chance aren’t the only way to earn Warp Storm points. For instance, the daemonic tallyman Epidemius counts up your kills and beseeches Nurgle for even more blessings.

This isn’t too crazy, but adding an additional point is pretty cool and very Nurgle-like.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Latest Chaos Daemons Rules & Rumors

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