New 40k Orks: Specialist Mobs & Detachment Rules

By Travis Pasch | October 9th, 2021 | Categories: Orks, rules, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

40k-orks-wal-hor-titleThe new Orks are here- check out all their new Specialist Mobs & Detachment rules for Warhammer 40k that will be hitting tabletops very soon!

Tons of rule previews have been coming out for a while over on Warhammer Community, but it looks like all the Specialist rules can be found online over on Imgur.

beast snagga ork codexSimilar to the Sisters of Battle and Lumineth Realmlords rollout, this codex will first be available inside a new Army Box. In the future, it will be available separately. While the box is already sold out at GW, if you are curious, you can check the contents here.

New 40k Orks: Specialist Mobs & Detachment Rules

Specialist Mobs ruleThis is a way to upgrade a single unit in each detachment to have a specialty. They lose the clan keyword, but gains other abilities, the cool thing is, you can upgrade one unit in every detachment. So, it might be worthwhile to take a few to get a bunch of these.

Pyromaniacs is pretty sweet for a big unit because they can never get less than 3 attacks, meaning they can really pile up! Boom Boyz can really help you punch through that armor with the extra AP. Madboyz can be insanely strong for your bikers and riders if you happen to roll the right D3 right when you need it! It has three different random options with some being better for different aspects of the turn.

Just remember you lose the <Clan> tag when you use these so the juice better be worth the squeeze as far as Kulture’s go!

Detachment Rules

Ork Detachment rulesYou can include all the special characters without losing your clan keyword, which only makes sense. Unfortunately, Gretchin aren’t ObSec, but they should be because everyone loves Gretchin!

I’m Da Boss means you can only have one Warboss or Deffkilla Wartrike in each detachment. Lastly, you can check out all the warlord traits for the special characters and the Kill Rig.

If you have trouble reading our screencaps, you can see the full images below. Be sure to check out all the other new Ork rules from our previous articles as well!:

    All the New Detachment & Specialist Rules for the Orks

    What are your thoughts on all these rules? Which is your favorite new option for the specialists?

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