New 40k Thousand Sons Marines & Terminator Rules

thousands-sons-codex-no-titleThe New Thousand Sons Marines and Terminator rules give us a look at what to expect in the upcoming book, check it out!

The Grey Knights aren’t the only ones with a book coming out this week because who likes to play the good guys anyway? The new book has some interesting mechanics revealed already, but it’s good to have an idea of what the Rubric Marines and Termies are going to be able to do.

Warhammer Community just unveiled some army-wide rules, weapon profiles, stratagems, and more. If you want to see any of the previous rules released, click on any of the links below, then we’ll jump into the new stuff!

New 40k Thousand Sons Marines & Terminator Rules

mere srevantsThe Mere Servants Detachment ability encourages a more flavourful ratio of Thousand Sons to their slaves, so we’ll be seeing a lot more Scarab Occult Terminators and Rubric Marines serving at the heart of many armies.

Looks like you’ll have to load up on the Rubric Marines and Terminators as your main forces.

All is dustBoth units now have an additional Wound. When combined with their classic All Is Dust ability, this update leaves them all but impervious to small-arms fire.

They both go up a wound as well as adding to their save from small arms fire. Looks like everything in the new box is getting an extra wound and more attacks.

Thousand Sons Marine and terminator rulesTo make things even more challenging for your opponent, these core units never flee from the battlefield – they’ll fight on until every speck of dust has trickled from their baroque armour.

No surprise with this one, but it’s still super strong.

Weapon Profiles

Terminator Weapon rulesRubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminators also have an additional Attack – that’s three apiece for the Terminators. Considering the nasty new profile for the Prosperine khopeshes they now carry, they’re definitely not to be taken lightly in melee.

This will put the Termies with 3 attacks at S5, -3 AP, and D2 apiece. Against 2 wound models (which is like a million things now) they will be really effective.

Soulreaper CannonMeanwhile, soulreaper cannons have received increases to both their Strength and rate of fire, so they make an excellent weapon upgrade option.

With 5 shots, that never count as moving, and Strength 6 these can dish out some damage. Even though they are D1, they still have -3AP so should be a good choice.

New Stratagems

Unwavering PhalanxThere’s much more in this codex than a few upgraded profiles, and the combos that the new Stratagems unlock are nothing short of diabolical. For example, you can use Unwavering Phalanx to drop enemy weapon Damage down to 1, kicking in your Rubric Marines’ All Is Dust ability to blunt their firepower.

If you’re getting shot at by D2 weapons, this is super strong because not only does this make the shots hurt less, but also kicks in your extra +1 to your save.

Thousand Sons StratagemAnother effective tactic is to burn your enemy to cinders with warpflamers using Wrath of the Wronged.

Adding to your wound rolls is always amazing. This is nice with Warpflamers but also can make your units wound on 2’s against lots of minis in CC.

New Infernal Pact

Thousand Sons Marine and terminator rules 2For more formidable foes, an Infernal Master can augment your firepower by striking a Malefic Maelstrom Infernal Pact.

Boosting strength will make your attacks that much more impactful and when you can use this to make your rolls go up one, it will really increase the efficiency.

What do you think about the new rules? Will you be picking the new box up?

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