Several keen eyed hobbyists have spotted what appears to be new Space Marines on GW’s brand new 40k site that they just launched. Come see!
The hobby section on the new Warhammer 40k site may have inadvertently posted some very interesting looking Space Marines in armor:
Edit to article: the image below has already been removed.
Checkout those Space Marines. Notice anything different?
Looks to be some very interesting new armor marks, with a pronounced MKIII Errant style Gorget, new style of bolters, helmets and judging from the perspective of the 32mm base, they are taller even.
Wow that was fast.
We know there are new Death Guard coming, and now there may be new models to oppose them as well in the new Starter box if the 8th edition image below ends up being a teaser for the contents of a new starter box for 40k:
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.