New Black Templars 40k Rules Stratagems

Black-Templars-StratagemsDon’t miss all the new rules Stratagems for the updated Black Templars Warhammer 40k codex that’s part of the Army Box set.

With the Black Templars Army box in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for crusaders of Dorn.  

These Stratagem rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Black Templars Codex cover art

Similar to the Sisters of Battle, Lumineth Realmlords, and Beast Snagga Orks rollouts, this codex will first be available inside a new Army Box. In the future, it will be available separately.

If you are curious about the Black Templars Army box itself, you can check the contents and values here.

New Black Templars 40k Rules: Stratagems

black templar stratagems 1

Devout Push enables one unit that’s run out of heretics to stay on the front foot by moving back into Engagement Range and keep the momentum going.

For one CP this is another nice Stratagem to readjust your army around and get more dudes into the fight or tie up another unit.

Vicious Riposte and Crusader’s Wrath are both also decent options going all-in on melee combat!

black templar stratagems 2

In the second column, the two Epic Deeds stand out as powerful tools. For the Emperor’s Honour serves as a fantastic way to force an enemy character to attack nothing else by one of your nearby characters. This can really screw up their plans by forcing something excellent at clearing chaff to instead waste efficiency hitting your character, saving what could have been a bunch of dead troops, resulting in potentially lost objectives.

Bombastic Delivery is another great option for getting a free guaranteed bonus litany, without counting as their litany per-turn! Getting two Litanys with one auto-passed can be extremely powerful in a pinch.

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The third column has 5 more stratagems with Abhor the Witch and The Emperor’s Will standing out. Abhor the Witch serves as a great last-ditch effort if the opponent manifests a devastating psychic power and you fail to deny it. Getting a 1cp 50-50 shot at denying it is a great value and might just save some of your bodies or maybe the entire game for you!

The Emperor’s Will offers up a way for an infantry unit to advance and shoot at no penalty for that turn, making a unit much more mobile than they would be otherwise.

black templar stratagems 4

The fourth and final column has 4 stratagems. Each of these is of course situational, but Incendiary Shells seems exciting! We all know Black Templars love their melee, but double damage shotguns could be devastating in a round of shooting. Assuming you have a max squad with max shotguns, doubling their damage for a single CP is a small price to pay for potentially huge leaps in damage.

During the previews, GW also reminded us all of Wisdom of the Ancients, which is in the core Space Marine book and will fit nicely with the Black Templars.Black Templars Stratagems

You’d be able to utilize Wisdom of the Ancients to provide your massed infantry advance with Tactical Precision in the absence of a Primaris Lieutenant.

For one CP you basically get a reroll, but if you have multiple units within the 6″ then you can start getting more and more rerolls. Plus, this lets you use the normal reroll for something else.

Overall it’s a great time to be a loyalist and an even worse time to be a heretic!  Need more on everything Black Templars?

Here are the latest rules updates for these crusaders!

All the Latest on the New Black Templars

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