New Chaos Models Previewed For Blackstone Fortress

By Wesley Floyd | November 1st, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The bad guys are here! Don’t miss the first preview on the Chaos Renegade forces that will be coming in Blackstone Fortress.

Games Workshop previewed the first hostile model lurking in the Blackstone Fortress. We’ll be breaking the latest model down, but be sure to check out all of the previews for the coming game.

Also, if you haven’t heard…It looks like Abaddon may not be in Blackstone Fortress after all. Check out the latest.

New Chaos Models Previewed For Blackstone Fortress

Janus Draik looks to be the “ringleader” of the whole operation for Blackstone Fortress.

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The Rogue Trader, Janus Draik, looks to be the main character out of the game. He’s been quoted from the preview earlier talking about a <Redacted>. He’s also talking in a video from Games Workshop. 

Janus is talking in the video about an area of space full of adventurers that’s called Precipice. 


The video is essentially him looking for a group brave (or stupid) enough to follow him into the Blackstone Fortress. It looks like he’s already got a group of adventurers by his side…


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Whatever the reason may be for the Kroot to join Janus, he’s decked out and armed to the teeth when you compare him to some of the 40k models that Tau use as expendable cover.

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As for the latest model in the preview lineup, this “drone” was spotted in a video creeping up on Janus and his retinue. It definitely looks to NOT be on his side as they are already inside the fortress observing them.

We’ve heard rumors of Chaos getting a Sorcerer model, Marines, and Renegade Guardsman-type units in the game…but not Drones.

In the latest video, Janus is talking about what he sees upon entering. Hallways and doors constantly changing, Areas moving and twisting at random intervals, (basically a mini Tzeentch realm). But more importantly, he says “we know we are being watched…the fortress knows we are here”. Those Drones/servitors don’t necessarily look dangerous. But looks can be deceiving.

Janus’s Opposition: Negavolt Cultists & More

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Negavolt Cultists express their heretical devotion by despoiling machinery and corrupting the function of sacred technologies through daemonic invocations and abstruse rituals. Such cults can often be found on planets controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus.


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Ur-Ghul have a fierce reputation of being known as one of the most horrific xenos races in the galaxy. What could they be doing inside the Blackstone Fortress? Are they there to pick up the bloody scraps from fights within the corridors?

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Guardsman that have turned their backs on the Emperor look like they’re sitkcing together within the dark halls. It’s no surprise that they would be in a fortress dedicated Chaos itself.

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This is the most interesting clip from the video by far. There’s definitely a Marine of some kind with a thunder hammer. Is this the new Chaos Lord that the rumors were talking about?

What is that figure standing just in front of the Negavolt Cultists with the Chaos banner? It looks humanoid but not quite like everything else in the art. We aren’t quite sure.

Is the Chaos Space Marine in the video commanding the Negavolt? What reason do all of these forces have to go inside the Blackstone Fortress? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.