New Eldar Datasheets & Characters 40k Codex Rules

maugan-ra-rules-eldarDon’t miss all the new Eldar 40k 9th edition datasheets and character rules for their updated 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

With the Eldar Codex in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for the Aeldari.

New Eldar Datasheets & Characters 40k Codex Rules

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Eldar rules. Click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Eldar codex!

Codex: Aeldari Retail Price: $55

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Codex Aeldari

Inside this 200-page hardback book, you’ll find:
– In-depth background on the Aeldari, from their rise and fall to the many factions that split off from their original civilization, as well as information on multiple craftworlds such as Biel-Tan, Saim-Hann, Iyanden, and Ulthwé
– Majestic artwork depicting many aspects this once-great and still awe-inspiring civilization, from fearsome Aspect Warriors to roguish Corsairs
– All the rules you need to play an Aeldari army, be they craftworlders, Ynarri, Harlequins, Corsairs, or a mix, including 57 datasheets, from the war-forged Avatar of Khaine to the rank and file Guardian Defenders
– All the rules you need to lead Asuryani, Harlequin, and Ynarri forces in Crusade and narrative games, including Agendas, Battle Traits, Requisitions, Crusade Relics, and unique campaign structures for each faction of Aeldari
– An ‘Eavy Metal miniatures showcase full of lovingly painted Aeldari miniatures

New Eldar Datasheet Rules



Just by comparing the sheer size of the sheet, we can see that the Avatar of Khaine re-work/update is a big one, getting a ton of added power!

He sees upgrades across his entire statline, with everything getting better (except the WS and BS which were already at 2+)

His ranged attack gets a huge power boost and gains a very similar effect to Mortarion’s pistol getting a “shoot over” effect damaging models to passes over. Which thanks to the upgraded stats of the attack, make it much, much better overall.

As for melee, he gets a two-profile option for focused and multi-target attacks. The focused hit has a base of 7 attacks at 14S, -5 AP, and averages 5 damage, making it ridiculously strong. While the sweep has 14 attacks at 7S, -2 AP, 2 damage, making for an easy space marine squad wiper with each wound removing a full model.

His old 5+ invulnerable save has been upgraded to a 4+, but now ALSO reduces damage by half! His auras were also slightly changed, now “moral tests” just ignore modifiers instead of auto-passing, which is fine. While his re-roll charge aura was reduced to 6″ range. Both auras of course also only affect CORE units, as with every other updated factions’ auras. He also gained an explosion on 6s when destroyed which is fine, and on the theme for the violent departure of the Avatar.

Lastly, there is a new downside, which restricts him to not being able to take a Warlord Trait or Relic, which seems completely fair seeing as this guy just got upgraded all the way up to a mini-Mortarion for a fraction of the cost!

Eldar Prince Yriel 40k Rules


Prince Yriel got a few buffs and is looking like a pretty decent option going forward. GW clearly knew this as we got a few previews for him leading up to this release which we included below.

Prince Yriel Rules

Now, thanks to his life as a corsair prince, Yriel’s strategic skills are sharpened to a razor edge, and he commands his army with the acumen of an Autarch. In fact, his Path of Command ability is more expansive than usual, affecting units with the Anhrathe keyword in addition to the usual Core.

Getting rerolls for things that are not core is pretty sweet and this lets you really benefit with both Iyanden and the Corsairs.

Prince Yriel Rules 2

Hit and run raids are a corsair speciality, using raw speed to strike with overwhelming force, and Yriel’s ability is not limited to the Anhrathe, and everyone from aspect warriors to the Wraithguard can hitch a ride with the Prince of Corsairs. The Aeldari have an arsenal of powerful close-range weapons, and getting to deploy them within arm’s length of their targets makes for a potent advantage.

This will let you keep tons of units in reserves and plays into the idea of a fast strike force. Again, it will be for both Iyandem and Corsairs, which will allow you to make some pretty cool armies and battle plans.

Prince Yriel Rules 3

If his skills stopped at being a brilliant tactician, Yriel would be dangerous enough, but command is far from his only talent. When a Tyranid hive fleet came to his former home, the Outcast Prince returned as a whirlwind of death, sweeping aside the largest of monsters with the Spear of Twilight. And to this day, he can still put a shift in with it.

This weapon looks quite strong, but there will be a big difference depending on his Strength and number of attacks (if you buff it up at all). Either way though, 2x Strength, -3AP, and 3 Damage is strong no matter what.

New Eldar Maugan Ra Rules


As the founder of the Dark Reaper Aspect Shrine, this ghoulish warrior embodies the inevitability of death – many of his victims bite the dust before they even catch sight of his macabre visage. That’s kind of a shame, because Maugan Ra is dressed to kill. Just look at his new miniature, with its ragged pitch-black robes and baroque, bony armor.

Maugan Ra Rules

With six shots at Strength 7, plus a devastating crop of mortal wounds, Maugan Ra is the bane of elite squads – and can even pose a nasty threat to enemy Vehicles and Monsters. And despite the Maugetar’s outrageous size, this fearsome Phoenix Lord still benefits from the Battle Focus ability, allowing him to strike hard before fading away like a ghost.

They have really focused him on killing swaths of 2 wound infantry. Then, you’re bound to roll at least one six, and with Battle Focus, he can shoot and then make a D6″ move for free.

It’s pretty easy to get a single character back into hiding, so pretty sweet. In combat, he’ll also be able to dish out some damage with +2 Strength, -2 AP, and 2 Damage.

Maugan Ra Rules 2

On top of that, his ghastly presence is so intimidating that each foe he scythes down counts as two kills for Morale purposes. The Maugetar’s decapitating shurikens and foe-reaping blade can force even the most courageous warriors to double-check their funeral arrangements.

This is really strong and just makes him that much better at killing infantry. Even if you manage to kill three Marines, for example, they will count as having three died. Meaning even with high leadership, there’s a good chance they could fail.

Maugan Ra Rules 3

Maugan Ra is among the most favoured of Khaine’s warriors, embodying the war god’s nature as a Destroyer. Such paragons aren’t easy to kill – on top of the mighty 2+ Save offered by his ominous armour, he also has a 4+ invulnerable save, and cannot lose more than 3 wounds in each phase. 

With a 2+ save and a 4+ Invuln, he will be fairly tough. Then, he will be impossible to kill in one phase, meaning in shooting it would take at least two turns of targeting to kill him.

Warlock 40k Rule Datasheets

warlocks new datasheet

The new Eldar Warlocks rules datasheets are 2 wounds and are able to have a single power. Then it looks like for every Farseer in your army you can take one of these without taking up an army slot. Lastly, we see a 4+ Invuln save here as well.

Yncarne 40k Eldar Rule Datasheets

yncarne new datasheetThe Yncarne sees a new datasheet with much of the same power level previously seen on the model. This is a high power, high point model, and the new datasheet continues to support that with some great rules and stats that will lay down the hurt in melee.

Visarch 40k Rule Datasheets

Visarch new datasheet

First, it looks like you can return a model destroyed within 6 inches of this to life with one wound on a 4+. That could be super insane when you think about it says just Aeldari, not core models.

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Then, if it’s a character, they get an extra attack for the rest of the game and you also won’t be able to shoot Yvraine as long as a model is within 3 inches.

Harlequins Troupe Master

troupe master new datasheet

First off, the Troupe Master has quite a few weapon options. Choreographer of War now gives reroll 1 on wound aura. Also, side note, different Harlequin weapons now give special keywords to the model/unit, like “Shuriken”.

Death Jester Rules 

death jester new datasheet

A slightly blurry image, but if you try you can definitely make out what you need to see.  It also appears that you can upgrade your Death Jester and/or a Troupe Master to have a “pivotal role” as well via these rules:


Talk about exploding 6’s that Harvester of Sorrow role has the potential to literally make it rain death on some unfortunate target with a little luck. Plus wounding on 2’s is always nice when you are low strength as well for the Troupe Master.

Solitaire Rules


In a world with very few 3+ invulnerable saves, this may be worth a note or three- see what we did there? Restricted to one, and banished from taking wargear or a trait, the Solitaire is going to have to rely on special rules, one of the pivotal roles below, and his blitz attack to get the job done in 9th edition from the looks of it.

Shadowseer Rules

ShadowseerIf you want to take advantage of the psychic side of the Harlequins, the Shadowseer is the way to go! They also have some decent stats and weapons, so if you have to send them into combat they can hold their own.

However, when you add in the debuff to all enemies, and all the special rules the Harlequins get, you have quite the character.


They might change the first one for the Shadowseer, as it just says subtract one attack, not to a minimum of 1, so maybe this can make them immune to single attack units. Then the other two are pretty sweet debuffs against the enemy, we’ll have to see how many points you have to allocate to this model once it’s all said and done though.

40k Eldar Howling Banshees

howling banshees new datasheet

Howling Banshees got some decent buffs here with enough damage and Ap to hopefully take out some models in cc, especially with the addition to the wound roll and Strength 4 on the charge.

So should be hitting and wounding on 3’s against most units. Then, with the advance and charge rule, you should be able to get them in combat quickly.

We’ve pretty much seen this in a few of the posts, still, getting a 5+ Invuln save on all the Aspect Warriors is pretty sweet.

Howling Banshee rules

These ritual war helms are equipped with psychosonic amplifiers, which augment the wearer’s battle cry into a harrowing aural assault. The shriek-that-kills disorientates and paralyses the enemy, even causing lasting damage to their nervous system.* Put simply, targets of a charge cannot fire Overwatch or Set to Defend – presumably too agonised trying to muffle the caterwauling.

This is a pretty classic ability, so it’s nice to see it make a comeback!

Howling Banshee rules 2

Whirling Death makes these dynamic warriors even more potent on the charge – with their Banshee blades bringing their attacks up to Strength 4, they’ll be wounding even Space Marines on a roll of 3+, and utterly shredding through ceramite. Not too shabby for a unit that already has three attacks per model.

With S4 and the +1 to wound, they should be wounding most units on a 3 or 2 a turn they charge. Meaning you might actually get way more wounds through than ever before. Plus, as long as they keep decent AP, they will really dish out the damage!

Then, on top of that, the enemy will be at -1 to hit them and striking last, so they should be much more survivable than ever before as well.

Eldar Guardians Rules


Added range and a guaranteed AP are pretty nice. It might not seem insane right up front, but a buff to weapons and save at once can be really strong.

As they can get -3 AP as well on a 6 to wound, their special rule near objectives is actually pretty sweet as they will be getting rerolls to hit.

GuardiansWhile getting an extra attack and 1-AP with the Guardian Blade is nice, they just feel so lackluster with 2 measly S3 attacks. It’s nice to grab the flamer and fusion gun, but overall, we’re just not sure how many lists will see them in.

Who knows though? Maybe the re-rolls of hits, buffs, and points will make them worthwhile

An increase to their save is obviously pretty nice, and they will be able to make the D6″ move after they shoot. As we said before, they are giving it to almost every unit it seems and this might really slow things down as you will have to shoot, and then move again.

Guardians Rules 2

Likewise, the humble shuriken catapults taken to battle by Guardian Defenders are more deadly than before. On top of the Shuriken ability we showed off earlier, these elegant armaments now have longer range and more reliable Armour Penetration – someone’s clearly sharpened the shurikens.

Added range and a guaranteed AP are pretty nice. It might not seem insane right up front, but a buff to weapons and save at once can be really strong. As they can get -3 AP as well from the Shuriken rule.

Shuriken rules

But just what is that mysterious Shuriken rule tucked away in the corner? Well, it’s how your guns can get that all-important Armour Penetration – perfect for seeing whether Space Marines really do know no fear. 

You will still get more AP on 6’s, so at least they kept that rule in. You’ll still have the same overall AP on 6’s, but better in general with the minus 1.

Dire Avengers Rules

Dire AvengersThey are like super buffed Guardians now with 3 S4 and -2 AP shots they can actually get that to -4 AP and really bring the pain. Then, they can perform actions and shoot, have a decent save, and get an Invulnerable save as well.

Shooting into combat with all of your weapons can be super strong, but we’re not sure if it will be worth the 20 points. However, getting an additional -2 AP on all of your 5+ shots for 25 points could be really sweet!

Aspect Rules 2

Dire Avengers, whose usual job is to defend key points on the battlefield, will particularly appreciate their new level of durability. The scions of Asurmen can also hit back much harder than before, owing to the vicious new Avenger shuriken catapults.

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With Assualt 3 and a base -2 AP, they might actually be able to dish out the damage, especially when the Shuriken weapons give them an additional -2 AP, which would bring it to -4 and cut through almost any armor.

Asurmen Rules

His guns with 6 shots and D2 can really shred through infantry, but maybe most important his sword can take out characters. With S6, -3AP, and D3, but then, any rolls of a 6 to Wounds will inflict an additional D3 Mortals!

Shining Spears Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules

Shining Spears

Their statline isn’t bad at all and with the 3+ save, let’s hope they can survive some shooting. The Star lance is just like the Laser Lance but way better! With +3 Strength on the Charge and 8 S from shooting. Then, the enemy gets -1 to hit them with shooting and they can just advance super far.

Overall these are some decent upgrades and having a worse invuln kind of stinks, but gaining the -1 to hit is really nice.

Shining Spears

First, though, you’ll need to get within charging range – and the Shining Spears’ tuned-up jetbike steeds are perfect for the job. A zippy Move characteristic of 16” is a pretty good start, and these knightly Aspect Warriors can push it even further by adding a guaranteed 6” when they Advance.

This is seriously strong as you’ll be able to make your charges so much more reliable.

Shining Spears 2This just gives them an insane range! Up to 34″, so basically across the whole map.

Shining Spears 3With a 20″ move and ObSec, this relic bike could really turn the tides in your favor!

Shining Spears 4

Once your jetbikers have reached their targets, they’ll melt through armour and flesh alike with devastating thrusts from their laser lances. These weapons are vastly more powerful on the turn they charge – spearing even a Space Marine with a single blow – and are backed up by a blistering hail of firepower from upgraded shuriken weaponry.

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Looking at the Aspect Powers, the Shining Spears get the following:

The first two will really add a lot of combat power to the unit, whether that means you want to hit on 2’s or deal Mortals on 5+.

Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules: Dark Reapers

Dark Reapers These ones come from Auspex Tactics again. If these are real, it can be a huge NERF to them as you won’t just be able to run a single big unit and buff them up with spells and auras, now you’ll have to spread it around.

Next, they don’t get Battle Focus and will no longer ignore all penalties, meaning you can’t really be moving them nearly as much as before.

Interesting take from GW on the Dark Reapers for their new Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex rules!

Swooping Hawks Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules

Swooping HawksThe new Swooping Hawks Eldar 40k Codex rules get decent stats overall and with 4 shots, you should get plenty of 6’s to just wound automatically. Then, being able to just battle focus move, they can just teleport anywhere after shooting!

Pretty insane.

These new Exarch Powers are all pretty good and it really comes down to if you want more maneuverability, or to be that little bit more annoying to the enemy.

He’s got a pretty serious statline and some impressive weapons. If you want to run a lot of Swooping Hawks, then you better run Baharroth as well! Especially considering when he consolidates, he can just go anywhere!

Warp Spiders Rules

For those of you out there clamoring for some better hitting power for the Aspect Warriors, these new 40k rules rumors offer a glimmer of hope!

GuardiansGaining the -2 AP base is super nice as it means they might actually be able to do wounds against decent save units. If a unit of 5 deep strikes and shoots against a big unit, you will be getting an insane number of shots. Then, they can move 2D6 with battle Focus, so shoot and drift away.

Then, charging them will be super hard as they can just drift away!

Looks like Warp Spiders have some pretty cool and cagey new Exarch powers! Our favorite is the Web of Deceit for late-game grabs!

Wraithguard & Wraithblades

wraithguard new datasheet

Wraithcannons are definitely better now with S10 and D3+3, they should be able to mow down units when they get close. Then, you can even shoot into melee with those cannons!

Now though, they do have some downsides, no fallback and shoot for free, no Wraith Fists, and from the looks of it, D-Scythes have to roll to hit. Plus the D-scythes cannot be shot in combat as you can never shoot a blast weapon in combat unless they change that somehow.

wraithblades new datasheet

They will be getting 3 (maybe 2?) attacks each, plus an additional 2 if using swords. That number is hard to read, but man, if they get 5 attacks each, they will be pretty good combat machines.

Night Spinner Datasheet Rules

night spinner new datasheet

With a 3+ BS, means you should get off a lot of shots and with plenty of wounds, hopefully, you won’t get shot off the map in one turn.

Plus, if they both have the Crystal Targeting Matrix, they will always ignore the modifiers, meaning if Fire Prisms also get this, they will be hitting on 3’s pretty much all the time.

Eldar Fire Prism Rules

fire prism new datasheetFire prism has always been a staple of Eldar lists and this version seems to keep that trend going.

Fire Prism Rules

Its Strength makes a mockery of a Space Marine’s supposedly superhuman Toughness, that Armour Penetration will blast through their much-vaunted power armour, and Damage 2 kills regular Space Marines stone dead. With the Blast rule, it’s also great for chewing your way through any of those pesky horde armies too.

The profiles are pretty decent for killing both infantry and big baddies. Especially when you take into account they will be one-shotting those pesky Marines With 3’s to Wound, D2, blast, and -2 AP. Then, the Focused Lance will cut through a lot. However, they get really strong when you take into account the Stratagem below!

Wraithknight Rules

wraithknight new datasheet

22 Wounds and a 3+ save are great places to start with a big model like this. The Heavy Wraithcannon looks to be Heavy D3 with d3+6 Damage and the ability to deal Mortals.

wraithknight rules

Their legendary robustness is reflected by a new ability that reduces incoming damage from enemy attacks.

Reducing damage is never a bad thing! With 22 wounds and a 3+ save, a 5+ Invuln, and this, let’s hope it will make it through some serious enemy firepower.

wraithknight rules 1

As if that weren’t enough, the Wraithknight’s agility means that they can dance between incoming attacks. In the past, you’d have to decide between the protection of a scattershield or adding another devastating weapon. Now, you can have the best of both worlds. Don’t worry if you’re a fan of the scattershield, though – if you include one of these defensive devices, you can boost your invulnerable save to 4+.

It’s nice you can still grab the 4+ Invuln, as there are plenty of high AP weapons out there.

wraithknight rules 2

Those new abilities will help you march across the battlefield with impunity, so you can chop things up with your titanic ghostglave. It now has a choice of profiles, meaning you can sweep aside weaker opponents or strike down bigger scarier targets.

Both profiles are really powerful, the first one with -4 AP and 6D should be able to cut down big vehicles and monsters. Then, the sweep attack will just smash through pretty much all infantry with 15 attacks and D3.

wraithknight rules 3

The suncannon was always pretty good at killing armoured infantry, but it’s now upgraded to the sweet spot of Damage 3. That means that even elite or durable infantry such as Custodian Guard and Plague Marines will quiver at the sight of it. At Strength 8, it can vaporise medium-sized vehicles in a single volley. 

With Blast and 2D6 shots at S8, -3 AP, and D3, this is a serious weapon! On average you should be getting 7 shots, so really good at killing tanks or infantry.

Now just in case you missed them, we included the Eldritch Omens new models rules below as those are also in the new codex.

Eldritch Omens Box 40k Rules Datasheets

autarch eldar rules eldritch omens

Starting with the Eldar 40k rules datasheets from the Eldrich Omens box set, the Autarch basically is a brand new unit! From their previous 2 weapon loadout, they know have access to 8 different choices that each provide different benefits and functions to completely change the dynamic of the model in the list.

All of the Wargear options are similarly sweet with some great options changing the model to a completely new one. Not to mention they are perfectly on theme! As was expected, the aura was changed to only affect CORE units, but that’s the same for every new and updated faction for 9th edition.

All in all, this new Autarch looks fantastic.

Eldar Eldritch Omens 40k Rules Datasheets

eldritch omens shroud runners eldar rules

Next up, the new ranger bikes look pretty nice as well. Decent stats and a huge 16″ move make this pretty attractive for any list needing a little more mobility. The weapons have great range, however, with minimal AP, this seems to be mostly intended for chip damage or targeting lower armor save models.

As for the abilities, Ride The Wind gives a free guaranteed 6″ advance, making it even better and running all over the board. The ability to gain cover with their Cloak is nice but is obviously board and terrain dependent.

In general, being more elusive is always a good thing. Swift Scouts is another great ability to let these models get a solid 9″ pre-game move to get a free headstart.

Plus dont forget they have Battle focus and Strands of Fate as well.

eldritch omens rules rangers eldar - Copy

When compared to the jetbikes, the sheet is very similar with obviously fewer wounds and toughness (as they usually do with bikes). The 2+ BS is really nice and the ability to shoot characters will make them super strong and quite annoying.

Then the ability to actually do mortals on 6’s will help out and if you get lucky, you’ll grab a few. Next, the wargear gives them Dense Cover for a large part of the game, and once per game you can inflict mortals or make the charge much harder.

Then with the Ranger Cloak, they will be getting an additional 1 to their saving throw, so when combined with the Gloom Field, they will have much more survivability than the 5+ save suggests.

Just like the Autarch and Shroud Runners they also have Battle Focus. This allows them to move after shooting, which can be super annoying for the enemy, especially considering how many units we think will get it.

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Eldar rules. Click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Eldar codex!

Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of new 40k codex rules and models for the Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage of the Eldar Codex Book.

Click Here for all the Newest GW Model Previews

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