40k Emperor’s Children 2025 Release: Everything We Know So Far

Emperor's Children 2025

Games Workshop confirmed the Emperor’s Children will return in 2025 for 10th Edition, with new rules, units, and codex bringing more Chaos to Warhammer 40k!

Games Workshop Reveals Warhammer 40k Emperor’s Children Coming in 2025

emperor's children rumors fulgrim warhammer 40k

Exciting times are on the horizon for Warhammer 40k, as Games Workshop officially announced at the end of Warhammer Day 2024 that the Emperor’s Children will finally make their return to the tabletop in 2025. For fans and hobbyists, this is the moment they’ve been waiting for after years of anticipation, with hints and teases slowly building up to this grand release.

Here’s what we know so far about the iconic Emperor’s Children faction, their current rules for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, and what this means for Chaos Space Marines going forward.

The Long-Awaited Emperor’s Children 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Codex

Emperor's Children 2025As it stands, the Emperor’s Children have always been a cornerstone of Chaos Space Marine lore. Known for their devotion to Slaanesh, the Chaos God of excess, this legion has a rich history in the Warhammer 40k universe. But unlike their fellow Chaos legions, such as the World Eaters and Death Guard, they’ve been left without a dedicated codex for some time.

Games Workshop has finally revealed that the Emperor’s Children will hit the shelves sometime in 2025, marking a pivotal moment for fans who have longed to see their favorite legion receive a proper update for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.

Though the full codex has not been confirmed (well, the exact release date), we’ve already been given a sneak peek in the form of the Warhammer 40k index rules for the Emperor’s Children. We expect the release to be similar to what the World Eaters received in 9th Edition.

RUMORS: New 40k Emperor’s Children Models, Fulgrim Release Date

emperor's children rumors fulgrim warhammer 40k release date models ec

The Warhammer 40k community is currently awash with rumors about the upcoming release for the Emperor’s Children, one of the most iconic Chaos Traitor Legions. While Games Workshop hasn’t officially confirmed anything, whispers about new models, units, and characters have been steadily gaining traction.

From revamped legionnaires to a new Fulgrim model (that could even put Angron to shame in terms of sculpt), the rumored release could bring major updates for the faction. Supposedly, now, the release date for the initial offering of Emperor’s Children is the Spring of 2025, sooner in the release cycle than initially anticipated (by a few months at least)! 

The Future of Emperor’s Children in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k

fulgrim slaanesh wal horWhile the current index rules only give us a taste of what’s to come, many fans are hoping this signals the beginning of more dedicated releases for the Emperor’s Children. It’s possible that we could see new models and units in the near future, potentially including a long-anticipated plastic Fulgrim model similar to the resin one currently available for the Horus Heresy.

For those eager to field their Noise Marines or bring Lucius the Eternal back into their Chaos Space Marine armies, these rules offer a glimpse of what the Emperor’s Children could become once the full codex arrives. The addition of new detachment options, Slaanesh-specific abilities, and iconic characters opens up exciting possibilities for both narrative and competitive play. Plus, it would make sense for both of them to get new models.

With their return now on the horizon, the Emperor’s Children are set to reclaim their place among the elite Chaos legions. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the lore, their rise in 2025 is sure to bring a new layer of chaos to Warhammer 40k.

Where Could We See the Full Emperor’s Children Codex Revealed?

LVO 2025With the long-awaited return of the Emperor’s Children on the horizon, speculation has already begun about when and where Games Workshop might reveal the full codex. Based on past patterns, there are several major Warhammer events in 2024 and early 2025 where we could see significant previews or even the full unveiling of the Emperor’s Children codex.

  1. Warhammer World Championships Preview. Coming in November 2024
  2. Las Vegas Open (LVO) The Las Vegas Open, typically held in January, is one of the premier Warhammer 40k events in North America. In recent years, Games Workshop has used LVO to showcase new product announcements and sneak peeks at upcoming releases. Given the timing, LVO could be a strong contender for where we first see detailed previews of the Emperor’s Children codex, especially since fans are eagerly awaiting a Chaos-related announcement at such a large-scale event.
  3. AdeptiCon 2025 AdeptiCon, held in March, is one of the largest tabletop gaming conventions in the world and a key date for Warhammer fans. Games Workshop often uses this event to unveil big news about their most popular games. The Emperor’s Children could be a highlight here, with potential model reveals, more information on the codex, or even first looks at new units like a plastic Fulgrim or updated Noise Marines.
  4. Warhammer Fest Warhammer Fest, usually held in the spring, is Games Workshop’s flagship event for showcasing the future of their games. This is where we often see major announcements for new editions, codexes, and miniature ranges. If the Emperor’s Children codex hasn’t already been revealed at LVO or AdeptiCon, Warhammer Fest could be the perfect stage for GW to provide a more in-depth look at the faction, including new lore, models, and game mechanics.

Warhammer 40k Emperor’s Children Index Rules Overview

The index released by Games Workshop comes just in time for the new Chaos Space Marines codex, and while it’s somewhat limited in scope, there are still some interesting elements. The Emperor’s Children retain their characteristic Slaanesh marks, which must be selected for all units. Notably, Lucius the Eternal returns as a mandatory Warlord, ensuring that his cruel legacy remains front and center on the battlefield.

Emperor’s Children: 10th Edition Codex Rules Might Need a Tune-Up

The Emperor’s Children have always been one of the most iconic Chaos Space Marine factions in Warhammer 40k, with their obsession for perfection and dedication to the Chaos God Slaanesh. But for a legion that prides itself on precision, their current rules in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k feel more like a rough draft than a masterpiece.

Sure, they’ve got some cool elements, but overall, they’re lacking the polish and punch that fans expect from these devotees of excess. This brings up a common question for both newcomers and seasoned players alike: Are the Emperor’s Children even a playable faction right now?

The short answer is, yes, they’re playable—but not in the way they deserve to be. For a faction with such rich lore and unique aesthetics, their rules feel underwhelming. Noise Marines, for example, are a fan favorite, but their current in-game performance doesn’t quite hit the high notes. For an army that’s all about sonic weaponry, you’d expect these units to rip through enemies like a heavy metal riff. Instead, their impact feels more like playing a kazoo in a death metal concert—noticeable, sure, but not exactly earth-shattering.

Right now, players can field them, but it often feels like you’re pushing an underwhelming army compared to the more updated Chaos legions. So, while technically playable, they aren’t performing at the level you’d expect from such a flamboyant and vicious legion.

Lucius The Eternal 10th Edition 40k Rules

Then there’s Lucius the Eternal, a character who is supposed to be one of the most terrifying duelists in the galaxy. In the lore, he’s an unkillable champion of excess, but on the tabletop, his rules don’t quite match his fearsome reputation. Fielding Lucius is mandatory, but right now, it feels more like a checkbox on a list rather than an exciting powerhouse leading your forces.

If the Emperor’s Children are to truly be a playable—and fun—faction, Lucius needs a bit more flexibility and some serious power-ups to make him feel as formidable as his backstory suggests.

Emperor’s Children Detachment Rules

Additionally, the detachment options for Emperor’s Children are currently limited. While other Chaos legions like the World Eaters and Death Guard have received dedicated rules and attention, the Emperor’s Children are still lumped in with the generic Chaos Space Marines.

It’s about time they got their own set of detachment rules that reflect their obsession with perfection. Imagine each unit having the ability to reroll hits or wounds, representing their relentless pursuit of flawlessness. A simple rule like that could transform them from “barely playable” to a real contender on the battlefield.

So, while the Emperor’s Children are technically playable, they’re not quite living up to their full potential. Fans are hoping that the upcoming 2025 codex will finally give them the spotlight they deserve, with new models, enhanced rules, and detachment options that bring the chaos and excess of Slaanesh to life.

Is this Rumor Engine Hinting at a New Slaanesh Emperor’s Children Model?

rumor engine 10-08-24If you’ve been paying attention to the latest Rumor Engine, you’ve probably seen that serrated living edge with all the sinister tubing. And if your first thought wasn’t “Chaos Space Marines,” well, you might need to get your eyes checked. This one practically screams Slaanesh, and with all the Emperor’s Children hype lately, it’s not much of a stretch to think this could be a new model for them.

Is it a new weapon for Noise Marines? A possessed Lucius 2.0? Or maybe Fulgrim is finally making his plastic debut? Whatever it is, we’re sure it’s going to slice through the competition with style—and a lot of sonic chaos. Check out the full Rumor Engine and guesses here!

Final Thoughts on GW Confirming the Emperor’s Children

Emperor's Children Index RulesSo, whether you’re a Chaos devotee waiting to unleash your Noise Marines or someone new wondering why these space marines are so obsessed with loud music and perfection, 2025 is shaping up to be quite the year for the Emperor’s Children and Chaos in general. With Lucius the Eternal sharpening his blades and Fulgrim possibly plotting his plastic debut, it looks like Slaanesh’s favorite legion is ready to make some noise—literally and figuratively.

All the Latest Warhammer Day Preview Reveals

What do you expect to see in the Emperor’s Children 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Codex in 2025?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!