New FFG, 40k, Sigmar, & Forge World LATEST

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If you blinked you missed it, another extremely busy weekend the hobby was here! Come check out the latest rumors, updates, and new releases galore!

Here’s what happened over the weekend in the world of tabletop:

New Codex Release Date Schedule Rumors Redacted?

We’ve seen a couple rumors this week for release schedules for the upcoming codex books, and now it looks like they have all been redacted.

Grand Admiral Incoming For SW Armada Wave VII

It’s a time of Grand Admirals for Star Wars Armada as the seventh wave of ships is previewed for your enjoyment. Take a look at the new ships that will change everything!

New Airfield Table Arrives At Warhammer World

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Warhammer World has some amazing tables for visitors to play on, and now they’re working on a new one. Come take a look at the latest work in progress.

Spartan Games Closes Their Doors

spartan games

Spartan Games has closed it doors due to financial troubles and cancelled it’s Kickstarter for Firestorm Galaxy.

New Forge World Releases Revealed

Thunderhawks wallpaper Forge world

This week’s Forge World pre-orders are in. Come take a look at some new Sisters of Silence, Custodes, and bundles for both.

Age of Sigmar Updated FAQs, Warscrolls, & More


With the release of the General’s Handbook 2017, Games Workshop has issued fresh FAQs, Warscrolls, and Compendium PDFs to aid your game play!

2 More Gaming Companies Close Their Doors


August has not been a good month for Tabletop Gaming companies with the further closures of Tor Gaming and On The Lamb Games.

New Novels Incoming From The Black Library

female inquisitor sisters

The newest titles from The Black Library is now available for pre-order. Let’s dive right in and see what’s new this week on the lore side of things!

GW Reveals AoS Warscrolls For Blightwar Characters

Blightwar Wal HorThe Blightwar box is finally out and we’re seeing the warscrolls for the new Neave Blacktalon and Horticulous Slimux models.

Fantasy Flight Teases Twilight Imperium 4E

Twilight Imperium New

Fantasy Flight Games has given us one of several previews for Twilight Imperium 4th Edition that covers game setup, strategy, and tactical actions.

This was a great weekend for tabletop fans everywhere! We got to see all sorts of content related to Age of Sigmar, FFG teased Twilight Imperium 4th Edition which is the game that started it all for them, three game companies closed their doors for good, and we got to see new releases from Black Library and Forge World.

What do you think about everything that happened over the weekend? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for making us your go to source for the latest updates on the hobbies we love.


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