New GW Free Mini of the Month & Coin Promotion for NOV

free-from-gwLumineth Realm-Lords are the new GW free mini of the month for November 2022, as a different promotional coin is hitting stores as well!

The free miniature and coin promotions have been going on for over a year. To participate, head to your nearest GW store, and if you spend $100, you get the coin (while supplies last). 

But all you have to do to get the free figure is just walk in and ask, well, while supplies last, that is…

Then, there will also be free Stormcast and Space Marine for new players. You can bring a friend to the store, and they can grab a free mini, paint it up, and even play a game.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the latest new coin and mini so if you want the coin, save up at least $100 to spend.

GW store instideThey do one of these promotions monthly, and the coins are generally based on that month’s new releases. Also, if you collect at least six of the coins, you can score a nice little binder to hold them in.

Let’s look at the most recent coins, then jump into the new stuff. However, if you want to see all the previous months, check those out here

November Free Mini of the Month & Citadel Coin

Lumineth Realm-lord free mini

The wheel of days has turned, taking us past Spooky Season and right into the shadowy month of November. But there’s a particularly bright light waiting in the darkness – a new Miniature of the Month that’s infused with the power of Hysh (and fantastic helmets).

You can pick up a Lumineth Realm-lord – either a Vanari Auralan Sentinel or a Vanari Auralan Warden* – from your local store from the 5th of November. Ask a friendly member of staff at your local store to find out how you can get yours, while stocks last.

Get them while they’re hot because these free minis can run out! If you get there on November 5th, you’ll have the best chance to snag one. 

November Coin

This month’s collectable coin is themed after another group of holier-than-thou individuals who are themselves no strangers to ridiculous headwear. The High Lords of Terra coin will be available to collect in store from the 5th of November, while stocks last. Ask local store staff how you can get yours.

Free AoS & 40k Minis

Free minis

While you’re there, you can introduce your friends and family to the Warhammer Hobby. They will get their first free miniature – a choice of a Space Marine or a Stormcast Eternal – learn how to paint it, and even play their first game of Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

So if you bring a friend to your local Warhammer Store, they can get a miniature to hobby on too!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited to see Lumineth Realm-lords get the miniature and High-lords get the coin for November? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

Get ad-free access to our videos, a monthly drop of miniatures, and support some of the best creators out there for as little as $6 a month on Patreon!
