New Harry Potter, AoS, Space Marines, FW, & More

hor of space marine and chaos

Come get the latest news and product happenings from Harry Potter to Space Marines and Games Workshop. We got you covered on everything tabletop and more!

There was a lot of news across the hobby this weekend. We’re seeing new releases from Forge World, Black Library, and even some changes to Facebook.  So enjoy our recap of the all the coverage you may have missed!

Harry Potter Miniatures Kickstarter Starts Soon!

harry potter kickstater

We were delivered a letter via owl today telling us some exciting news from Knight Models. The Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game is on the way to Kickstarter!

A New Primarch & More Releases From Forge World

Thunderhawks wallpaper Forge world

The newest primarch, Rogal Dorn, is up for pre-order now. Plus new Imperial Fists reinforcements are on the way with all the new Custode models, over the next few weeks.

Just Add Water: New GW Teaser?

Ship TeaserGames Workshop just dropped a new video on us giving us a look at a new ship, but we’re still not sure what it is. Could be terrain… Could be something else… You be the judge.

Take Control of Your Facebook Hobby News Feed

facebook World

You may have noticed that you’re not seeing what you’re used to in your Facebook feed, and there’s a reason for that. Come find how to take control of your hobby newsfeed today.

Latest Novels Incoming From The Black Library

Shattered Crucible cover img

The newest titles from The Black Library are now available for pre-order. Come see what’s new this week on the lore side of things.

New 40k Necron Standalone Game Spotted

necron walpaper

Today we’re seeing some new images floating around of what appears to be a new Necron themed standalone game. You’re not going to want to miss this!

New 40k Tyranid Terrain SPOTTED?

tyranids eternal crusade hor wal

The Warhammer GT is going strong all weekend and we may have gotten a look at a new piece of terrain that will make Tyranid fans happy. Come check it out.

Exclusive Space Marine Heroes Wave 2 Announced!

space marine wal hor wide

It looks like we’re going to be seeing another wave of Exclusive Space Marine Heroes coming to Japan in the near future. Let’s take a look at the latest announcement from Games Workshop.

GW Reveals Next Week’s New AoS Releases

gw store shot wal horGames Workshop just gave us a preview of next week’s pre-orders, and we’re seeing the start of the Daughters of Khaine releases. Come take a look at the reveals.

So there it is! There was all sorts of news and new product releases that are on the way for a number of games soon. Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed over the weekend.

xenos codex


Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”