New Khorne Berzerkers Models are Finally Here!

new khorne berzekers titlesIt’s happening! GW has revealed the updated new design for their Khorne Berzerkers kit- check out the updated models!

GW previewed the new Khorne World Eaters codex a while ago, but until now, we saw some renders; now we get to see what an actual model looks like! The old kit has been out for 20 years, yes, you read that right; the old kit was released at the turn of the century! So it’s finally nice to see them get an update.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new mini, but we’ll also compare them to some recent Khorne minis to show what the rest of the squad will look like.

New Khorne Berzerkers are Finally Here! (August 11th, 2022)

Khorne berzerkers

It’s been a truly bracing Khorne Day. We’ve seen a realm-murdering Gorechosen, rules for hordes of blood-slicked daemons, and downright hungry-looking XII Legion shoulders. Mountains of skulls tower towards the sky, blood sloshing down from their lofty peaks – and out of the rising carnage steps forth a solitary figure clad in crimson and brass.

This is a heavily updated version of the old model but still keeps with the old aesthetic. While this is the only model they showed off, we expect to see more before too long.

Khorne berzerkers 2

The current Khorne Berzerkers are one of the longest-serving plastic kits of the 41st Millennium – a genuine classic that has spent two decades out on the battlefield, earning them a nice retirement in Khorne’s Domain on the soothing banks of the Rivers of Blood.

The new model looks bigger and has much more detail all around. However, you might be a little sad if you’re a fan of those old heads. Still, it’s great to see such an ancient kit get a rework finally!


Comparing to Other Khorne Kits

khorne berzekers


When you compare the berzerker minis from the early 2000s to what they just did with Blood Bowl, we might be lying if we said we feel of the old ones better. They kind of just look dumpy in comparison.

The BB team has such a sleek look, the helmets look way better, and they just actually look like some combat monsters. Now, if you take the new Berzerker, it looks like the BB models with more 40k additions.

They kept the somewhat sleek look with additional size, so a pretty good idea of what’s to come for the rest of the kit! And who knows, these might make for some awesome conversions once we get the new Khorne Berzerker kit too.

Khorne Berzerkers Full Squad Revealed by GW! (August, 31st, 2022)

Khorne berzerkers 2We saw that the new World Eaters codex will drop sometime in winter, so we hope the rest of the models actually make it before the end of the year.

Khorne berzerkers 2We already saw one model revealed for the World Eaters, but it’s nice to see the whole squad of Khorne Berzerkers now too!

They basically kept the old style of their armor, and dedication to Khorne, but really brought them into the new age of 40k.

Khorne berzerkers


Khorne berzerkers 2They did mention the box set or Khorne Berzerkers will have ten models, which is pretty sweet.

Khorne berzerkersThere will be more than just new Berzerkers models too, but for now, it looks like this will have to hold us over for now.

40k roadmapLastly, they dropped a roadmap for the new codexes. So, Leagues will be jumping Imperial Guard, and then finally, World Eaters.

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Leagues of Votann, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest 10th Edition Warhammer Rumors

    Do you like the look of the new Khorne Berzerkers models? Are you excited for the eventual codex release?

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