New Summer Release Rumors: Chaos Knights, Ad Mech & More

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Tons of summer new release rumors for Warhammer are here that look to spell out when all the previews from Warhammer Fest will start to hit store shelves.

Between GWs steady pace of exciting releases all year long and the recent hiccup from the trade tariff, we’ve noticed slowdown in GW releases here in the past month. However, BoLS has some rumors of the releases we can look forward to this summer. Hopefully, they’re far enough in advance to have all the tariff drama dealt with before its official release date.

On Deck:


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All the new paints including the Contrast line should be hitting stores on June 15th

Sylvaneth are also rumored to be waiting on the arrival of their Wyldwoods to warehouses so that final distribution can begin.  Their battletome was released on iTunes last weekend (and since been taken down) there has been some speculation that perhaps Memorial day weekend was supposed to be the pre-tariff release date.

Also rumored to be on deck are new upgrade cards for Warhammer Underworlds.

Rumored Summer Release Schedule


  • Early Summer: Chaos Knight full release with codex sometime in July.
  • Mid Summer: Adeptus Mechanicus will get their new Skorpius Dunerider/ Disintegrator tanks and the Tech-Priest Manipulus added in with a new codex.
  • Also Mid Summer: First previewed at Adepticon as the event’s big reveal, 40k Apocalypse should also be hitting the shelves sometime soon in June
  • Late Summer: Space Marines should be wrapping up the summer with a new codex. This codex is going to be Primaris-focused and have a bunch of new kits hit the game with it. We should look for multi-part kits with plenty of wargear options. As for normal Space Marines, apparently, GW isn’t touching anything for them rules-wise.
  • Beyond Summer: It’s really no surprise but Sisters of Battle are coming at some point in 2019. We still have a lot to chew through in the months ahead so keep the Sisters in the back of your mind for right now.

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As for right now, we should keep our eyes peeled for these rumors to follow the schedule. Our hope is that GW takes their foot off of the normal Space Marines and doesn’t completely kick them out of the door. But with rumors of a new codex coming and no updates for normal Marines, it looks like our one-wound power armored friends are going to be transitioning over to more Horus Heresy games.

What do you think about these rumors? What summer release are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.