New Plastic Sisters of Battle Models REVEALED!

Sisters of Battle

More Plastic Sisters of Battle are being shown with two new Retributor models sporting heavy weapons. Don’t miss the latest Adepta Sororitas!

Warhammer Community previewed dropped some exciting news on the Battle Sisters Bulletin showcasing a new model of an old unit! Before we jump into the very latest, check out what you might have missed from Warhammer Fest:

Battle Sisters Bulletin

battle sisters bulletin

If you haven’t heard, Games Workshop announced that they’ll be posting everything to do with Sisters of Battle in a section of their website called the “Battle Sister Bulletin” this will be your one-stop-shop place to find all the latest details on the faction as Games Workshop works to bring us a codex. So far, they’ve been bringing a lot of exciting updates to the table.

Now here’s what was given to us at Warhammer Fest:

Warhammer Community posted images of the painted figure they made from the preview render showcases at Adepticon 2018.

plastic sisters of battle painted

Now, one year later, we’re closer to the release of the most asked-for army in Warhammer’s history – and we can unveil just what this magnificent Battle Sister looks like painted…

plastic sisters of battle painted

Simply Stunning…

plastic sisters of battle painted

You’ll be able to get this model for yourself in a special advance release ahead of the rest of the Sisters of Battle. Stay tuned for news on how you can get yours…

Games Workshop is really going hard in the paint on this one. Exclusive images sent in from James Martin show the new model above.

plastic sisters of battle painted

Shadows appear to make the plastic look darker around her head and chest.

plastic sisters of battle painted

However, the sprue appears to be normal multi-part injection molded plastic. Looks like she will be a clam-pack style sprue that may be coming a lot sooner than the rest of the Sister releases.

plastic sisters of battle painted

Plus a surprise Seraphim mounted on the Inceptor flight stand. Not sure what material this is, as the lighting makes identification difficult.

So far, all of the models are shaping up to really do the faction some justice. With that said, we’ve got another model for you to look over!

New Sisters of Battle Retributor Model Spotted


The heavy weapons unit for the Sisters are getting a rework and we have to say we’re pretty happy with the results.

SOB hb

You might remember the Heavy Bolter from a while back. It was previewed along with a handful of other weapons. We still don’t know who will be getting what exactly. But this Heavy Bolter sure looks good in the arms of the Retributor!


retributor 2

Retributors are also getting a resculpted Heavy Flamer! But these aren’t just any Heavy Flamers. These are loaded with the classic Sisters iconography and style. From Fleur de Lise and medieval-looking barrel extensions, these girls are looking unique. Plus, from the two pics above, we can see that there’s going to be all kinds of variations between the models.

In addition to multiple options of each weapon type and a Sister Superior to lead them, the Retributors will have a number of head options, including bare, helmeted, or ones equipped with rebreathers – all of which have their own additional flourishes of detail. 

retributor 3

And last but not least, the Armorium Cherub is getting a new model as well. We’re not sure if we’re supposed to think it’s cute or haunting…But hey, either way, the model looks great and we’re excited to see where he pops up on the table.

What do you think about the Sisters of Battle progress? Are Retributors going to be useful in 8th edition? What have you equipped them with in the past? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.