New Tyranids: Traits, Relics, Psychics, & Stratagems Rules

new-tyranids-codexCheck out all the new Tyranids Warlord Traits, Relics, Psychic Powers, and Stratagems rules for their updated 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

With the new Tyranids Codex in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for the bugs! 

New Tyranids Codex: Warlord Traits, Relics, Psychics, & Stratagems Rules

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Tyranids rules. Click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Tyranids codex!

Codex: Tyranids Retail Price: $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

Tyranids codex


Inside the book you’ll find fully updated rules for the Tyranids and their key hive fleets, as well as background information leading from their first contact with mankind right up to the present day’s apocalyptic Octarian War. Despite the Imperium’s best efforts, Hive Fleet Leviathan runs rampant, and it seems that not even the largest Ork empire in the galaxy can stop them.

As befits a new codex, there’ll be a wealth of rules content from Stratagems and Warlord Traits to Hive Fleet adaptations and the return of Synaptic Link abilities. You’ll also be able to take your fleet on a Crusade campaign of its own, and while we can’t say anything about the specifics just yet, it’s safe to say you’ll be doing the complete opposite of any local T’au Empire players.

The new art is actually pretty cool we have somewhat of an expectation from this book, however, don’t judge too soon as we need to see how everything works together rules-wise.

Plus don’t forget to check out all the new Tyranids Crusher Stampede rules they just got as well by clicking here.

Tyranids Warlord Traits Rules

Tyranids Warlord TraitsFrom the new Tyranids Warlord Traits rules, giving your big baddy ObSec and counting as 5 models will really let you get in there and get those objectives! Next, always attacking first and re-rolling your hits is always nice. Then, adding one to a hit roll is always nice, especially with all the other buffs you can give units.

Lastly, the 5+ FNP (essentially) is quite sweet.

Tyranids Relics Rules

Tyranids RelicsThe first of the Tyranids relics rules is pretty cool for the fact that it can do 3 different things, so whatever you need in combat, it can do it. The Reaper might be one of the best against big models because every time you wound, you do an additional Mortal and they can’t use anything such as FNP.

Lastly, the Resonance Orb will really help your psykers get off more powers.

Relics TyranidsGiving your Scythes +2S, -4 AP, and D3 is just super strong considering you keep the extra 2 attacks. The Cannon is quite powerful at S10 and D3+3 attacks. The one really interesting one, even though it might not see the most play is the Sac. Getting possibly 4 Ripper Swarms for free is just fun and cool.

New Tyranids Psychic Powers Rules

Psychic Abilities TyranidsWith these new Tyranids Psychic Power Rules and all the Hive Fleet-specific ones this book really has a lot of options. Catalyst is a great way to keep a unit alive as a 5+ FNP is always good. Onslaught is super good with a lot of uses, as you can use it to buff your shooting, or slingshot a unit into combat with Advancing and Charging.


Tyranids StratagemFor 1 CP re-rolling Monster’s wounds is always going to be strong if you want to secure the damage. Adding 1 to the attacks is also good and even for 2 CP on a unit of 20 or more, you’ll be getting a ton of extra attacks. They also have a Transhuman-style strat, which will really help your monsters stay alive.

Tyranids Stratagem 2Synaptic Legacy is really interesting because even if your Imperative that you want to use died, you can still just use it for 1 CP. Then, the channeling is cool because you can just use basically any power you want for 1 CP!

Tyranids Stratagem 3Toxic Entanglement is strong as it is super easy to get off and will give you buffs while debuffing them. With the buffs to Gargoyles, the Blinding Venom will make your Gargoyles much harder to kill in combat! Overall these seem to be some pretty solid new Stratagem rules for the Tyranids!

Looks like exciting times are on the way for Tyranids along with new rules and models!  Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Tyranids rules. Click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Tyranids codex!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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