40k News & Articles

space marines wal hor codex cover warhammer 40k

Okay so there seems to be a bit of confusion about my previous post, so I just wanted let everyone know the official rules for this contest. This is a conversion contest.  Entries do not have to be painted, but you can paint you entries. LOL make sense? So if you paint your conversion, then […]

Read More | March 17th, 2011

I have been pretty busy lately gearing up for Adepticon ’11. Right now I am not 100% sure on all the events I will play in, but I know for sure I’ll be hitting up the Gladiator, because its the event I really like out of all of them.As fate would have it, we are […]

Read More | March 14th, 2011

What up everyone? It’s Meeker again, and this time I even have something 40k related. MBG has gotten me to write a number of scenarios for tournaments. We finally decided to start keeping track of them all and posting them for everyone’s use, so please feel free to use them in your next event!The first […]

Read More | March 10th, 2011

This is the first of many variants for the Stormraven Gunship I could come up with.  It is loosely based of off the Terminus Ultra Land Raider, except it’s got wings!  The premise behind the vehicle is basic search and destroy operations, where terrain/ conditions are not conductive to deployment of troops or heavy tanks.  […]

Read More | February 11th, 2011

This post kicks off a new series of articles on Spikey Bits called Conversion Potential. The aim of these random musings is to show off something I saw that is awesome and how it can be used in the hobby. This week I feature a model from the Hell Dorado miniature game that is just […]

Read More | January 29th, 2011

I used to really enjoy an old article in Inquest Magazine (published for Magic the Gathering) called Dead Man’s Hand.  You would only have one turn left and you had to kill your opponent that turn, or you lose. They showed you your hand and the battlefield, and you had to come up with the […]

Read More | December 13th, 2010

Over the past few years I’ve been privileged to meet a lot of great hobbyists out there. One such fellow is Dan Johnson. Dan produces amazingly realistic Marine conversion that are really just phenomenal. In addition to cranking out great conversions, he has been busy winning awards at both BolsCon (WarGamesCon) and Baltimore Games Day […]

Read More | December 10th, 2010

Recently we had a huge game of Apocalypse at FTW Games, with well over 50,000 points of models on the table.  It turned out to be a fast and furious battle of epic proportions, but it the end the Imperium of man defended sector 13176 from the combined Apocalyptic forces of Chaos and Orks. Several […]

Read More | December 6th, 2010

There is a regular here at FTW Games named Blaine Toups, aka Dingareth on the internets. He’s a nice enough fellow, I mean I’ve driven with him to several tournaments lately (BoLScon, and DaBoyz), so I mean I got no beef with him or anything. Blaine however keeps digging at me about how his Stormraven […]

Read More | December 4th, 2010

I wanted to share a WIP Dark Eldar Scourge conversion with you by FTW Games regular Mike DeBolt. Some of you may rememeber Mike from the Games Workshop store at Stony Point before it closed. Mike has been hard at work lately converting up some Scourges. I wanted to get a pic of the models […]

Read More | December 3rd, 2010

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner. First off a big thank you to everyone who voted, and made a submission for this contest!  The readers have spoken and we have a winner, by a good margin in fact, by the name of Sam Lenz. Not only did Sam submit one model, he went the extra mile and […]

Read More | December 3rd, 2010

Well I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, with plenty to eat and drink.  I’ve been busy here collating all the entries for the painting contest over the past couple of days, and I am very impressed with the turn out for this contest! So I would like to give a big Thank You to […]

Read More | November 26th, 2010

Just a friendly reminder that Entries for our Dark Eldar Painting Competition are due Monday 11/22.  Don’t worry too much, you still have several days left! All you need to enter is a picture of your finished figure, and a Work In Progress (WIP) shot.  You can submit your pictures to me by clicking here.We […]

Read More | November 20th, 2010

We are celebrating the return of the druchii with the inaugural Spikey Bits Painting Contest!  Starting on November 5th get some of the new Dark Eldar Models, paint up a single miniature or squad and enter it for judging.   Send us a picture of your finished figure(s), and a WIP shot by Monday November […]

Read More | November 6th, 2010

Thanks for the great comments and suggestions about how to make this give-away run better. I like a lot of the ideas so I think I’m going to use some different ones for each month just to keep it fresh and exciting. First off we will re-do the Bloodcrusher Give-Away for the official Contest #1.  […]

Read More | October 11th, 2010

Hey guys. This was send in to me by Stephan from his blog, Alles, nur keine1.  He made a pretty sweet Wolf Priest conversion using the pewter head and crozius from the old model, and the current Wolf Guard plastics.  He also added a little more fur to cover the gash that was left from […]

Read More | October 10th, 2010

Well another week came and went, and still no winners have contacted me yet- sorry I meant to post this sooner.  I had to cover the store all week because my primary guy was sick, soooo yep still no winner.   I have to admit I’ve never had a harder time giving away free stuff (fairly).  […]

Read More | October 8th, 2010

Dave Taylor is auctioning off his custom Adeptus Custodes army to help some friends of his. You can check out the Custodes Army here. Be sure to also go by his blog to read about the friends he is helping. Dave is a great guy, kudos to him for doing this. Here is a bigger […]

Read More | October 3rd, 2010

Here’s a little article about updating terrain pieces you may have already, with some of the plastic kits Games Workshop has put out over the last few years. By combining old buildings and ruins with the new kits, you can make a fluid looking theme out of two different designs of terrain. I originally made […]

Read More | October 1st, 2010

What is the History of Warhammer 40k?

40kGettingStarted Sept30 Quote1

The Warhammer 40,000 universe has a long and detailed history. It began as a tabletop miniatures game created by the British company Games Workshop in 1987.

Set in a dystopian future where the Imperium of Man, led by the God-Emperor, is locked in a perpetual battle against various alien races and heretical forces.

The game quickly gained popularity and spawned a number of spin-off games, novels, comics, and more. Warhammer 40k has been expanded upon many times over the years and now contains a rich tapestry of lore and backstory.

The history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe is long and complex, but ultimately it is a story of war and conflict.

From the very beginning, the Imperium of Man has been locked in a perpetual battle against its enemies. Whether it be the Orks, the Eldar, or Chaos itself, there has always been someone or something seeking to destroy humanity.

Why is Warhammer 40k so Popular?

lvo tables tournament warhammer eventWarhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular tabletop games in the world. In fact, it’s so popular that there are actually tournaments for it!

Players from all over come together to battle it out for supremacy, and the competition is always fierce.

But what makes Warhammer 40,000 so popular? Well, there are a few things. For starters, it’s a really fun game.

It’s fast-paced and exciting, and there’s a lot of strategic depth to it. Plus, the models are just really cool. Who doesn’t want to collect an army of tiny plastic soldiers?

Another big factor in Warhammer 40,000’s popularity is its community. The game has a very passionate and dedicated fan base, who are always excited to discuss the latest news and developments.

When new players join the game, there’s always someone there to help them out and answer their questions.

Now in its 10th edition, released in June 2023, Warhammer 40,000 is a captivating wargame demanding strategic decisions on the tabletop. Find resources and guides in our dedicated category, catering to both veteran players and new hobbyists alike!

warhammer 40k

Born in 1987 as Warhammer 40,000 – Rogue Trader, the game envisions a grim future where humanity battles alien xenos races and Chaos. The Space Marines are a group of superhuman defenders who wield arcane weapons to protect the Imperium of Man.

Warhammer 40k encompasses a large universe setting filled with epic storytelling. You can read many of these stories in ebooks, short stories, and novels from the Black Library publishing arm. 

They have something for everyone, from stories of heroes and heroic victories to gritty crime drama and mind-bending mysteries that will challenge your imagination.

You can also join friends in epic battles at home or in dedicated gaming areas to experience the thrill of Warhammer 40k.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding hobby, why not give Warhammer 40,000 a try? You might find yourself getting hooked!