40k News & Articles

space marines wal hor codex cover warhammer 40k

TPM Blood Angel back again with some more BA ponderings.  I have a love hate relationship with these guys. They look cool and are fun to take so what’s the problem? Well, in almost every edition of the game they have had slim to no survivability. With proliferation of drop pods in the previous marine […]

Read More | April 15th, 2010

I love the concept of the Blood Angels honor guard. I used them back in ’06 for my grand tournament list despite them being horribly over valued point wise. I just really liked the idea of my Sanguinary High Priest being surrounded by fanatical followers of the Primarch. I ran them around in a Land […]

Read More | April 14th, 2010

Well with all the hub bub over the new Blood Angels I nearly forgot to get my Adepticon Coverage in. I will correct that slight right now. So here are some more beautiful armies to gawk at! If you can make it next year I definitely recommend the event. -MBG My favorites are the defiler […]

Read More | January 8th, 2020

Hey guys, MBG back again with a Blood Angels Playtest Video of game 2. Again we tried out the following list vs. my Mech guard. Overall it was a good learning experience for what the new ‘Angels are capable of, and how to go about it. I like the fast moving vehicles, and the psykers, […]

Read More | April 13th, 2010

Who’s a big blog? That’s right true believers, Spikey Bits is one year old today!  Anyways thanks to all for reading and responding for the last year.  Hopefully there will be many many more years to come! I have selected a winner, at random, for the Venerable Dreadnought. His blogger name is Hussar, and according […]

Read More | April 12th, 2010

That’s right true believers, in less than one week, April 12th to be exact, I’ll be selecting a follower at random to receive a free Venerable Dreadnought! Since there is indeed over 100 followers now, I’ll be hard pressed to find a die for that to roll, so I’ll just be selecting at random. Best […]

Read More | April 9th, 2010

Deep down inside me I knew it was going to come to this. I would fall to the sweet siren song of converting up a Stormraven, and there was nothing anyone, not even my girlfriend, could do about (trust me she tried). Going in I had a good idea of what I had in mind, […]

Read More | April 7th, 2010

MBG here with another guest article by TPM Blood Angel; “To Mech or Not to Mech? Part II” Not to Mech. Troops and Elite Choices – I included them together because they are essentially the same. Ok, I’ve been messing around with army list builds and based on some feedback from a few other ghost […]

Read More | April 5th, 2010

I’d like to intorduce our first guest writer here at Spikey Bits, TPM Blood Angel. Paul has been playing Blood Angels probably longer than most, and even won Baltimore GT with them.  Since the new BA’s are coming out soon I’ve asked him to do a write up on them. With the new Blood Angel […]

Read More | March 31st, 2010

Today I wanted to talk about my Nob Biker squad, and their custom bases. This is kinda of a summary repost from my original three blog posts back in April ’09, but now that I got more followers I want to get some input on them. The best thing you can do to really show […]

Read More | March 30th, 2010

Well its morning here at Adepticon 2010. Here is a look at the scenery for the 40k events, and some sample armies that look great. The terrain looks great, and is pretty varied throughout the tables themselves, so I doubt anyone will play on the same table twice.

Read More | January 8th, 2020

MBG back again with an interesting debate, which Inquisitor ally do you take?  It seems like more and more players take an Inquisitor ally with Mystics to protect against deep strike threats like Daemons, Drop Marines, and shortly Decent of Angels. Now we’re all adding in a Psychic Hood for threats like Tyranids, Space Wolves, […]

Read More | March 25th, 2010

Just two days to go till the Gladiator Tourney at Adepticon for some fun times and good battles. I just finalized my list and I have to say I’m pretty happy with it.  I’m not taking any Super-Heavies, but I think I have plenty of firepower to deal with them- ten Lascannons, and 2 Maticores […]

Read More | March 24th, 2010

Hey everyone. I’m back with what I think is my best bug conversion to date; The Slitherqueen.  This baddie will be the leader of my Waterbugz as they decimate the Ultramar sector, or at least central Virginia lol.  Well as you can see I used the same theme as my Slitherfexes, but added some armor […]

Read More | March 19th, 2010

It seems like time does fly- because almost one year ago, April 12th to be exact, I started this blog. It’s definitely been fun and kept me well motivated to get projects done to share them with everyone. I sincerely hope you all have gotten something out of it as well, too. Sooooo I thought […]

Read More | March 17th, 2010

I played in a 2500 ‘Ard Boyz Tourney over the weekend at Groovy Geckos Comic and Games in Williamsburg, VA.  It’s a pretty cool store, and has a new owner now who is very motivated and cool to be around.  If you are ever on vacation in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia (Yorktown, Norfolk, […]

Read More | March 15th, 2010

So far we’re up to working on the pistons and weapons for Warhound #1.  We knocked the rest of that assembly out in one night, and managed to clean and trim the weapons. We went ahead and cleaned up all the weapons I bought for both Warhounds just so we could have options to use […]

Read More | March 12th, 2010

My friend and avid hobbyist Rich Ditzler recently conceived and came up with an amazing Imperial Fortress for a recent Apocalypse game.  I can only image the time and patience it took to make something of this size. You can see more pics and how he made this behemoth on his blog, Bossman’s Bitz Box. […]

Read More | March 10th, 2010

Well I think we, being the gaming community, should come up with some guidelines for Indy tourneys that GW can choose to adopt if they see fit, or maybe can even be worked into a INAT touney checklist of sorts. We can all cry and moan about problems on the circuit, obviously there have been […]

Read More | March 3rd, 2010

Well I’m still brainstorming over the new orks since the drop of the FAQ a few days ago.  I’ve heard good things about burna drive-bys so I thought I’d work up a super aggro list.  While I’m sure it will do fine against mech and marines, long range standoff may be its undoing. Again this […]

Read More | February 28th, 2010

I got a lot of comments on my Slitherguard recently, and everyone said they were a little lean for their namesakes, Tyrant Guard. I agree too, so I decided to beef them up to look like the bodyguards they are. I searched though my bits, and found some Carnifex torso plates that would work just […]

Read More | February 27th, 2010

What is the History of Warhammer 40k?

40kGettingStarted Sept30 Quote1

The Warhammer 40,000 universe has a long and detailed history. It began as a tabletop miniatures game created by the British company Games Workshop in 1987.

Set in a dystopian future where the Imperium of Man, led by the God-Emperor, is locked in a perpetual battle against various alien races and heretical forces.

The game quickly gained popularity and spawned a number of spin-off games, novels, comics, and more. Warhammer 40k has been expanded upon many times over the years and now contains a rich tapestry of lore and backstory.

The history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe is long and complex, but ultimately it is a story of war and conflict.

From the very beginning, the Imperium of Man has been locked in a perpetual battle against its enemies. Whether it be the Orks, the Eldar, or Chaos itself, there has always been someone or something seeking to destroy humanity.

Why is Warhammer 40k so Popular?

lvo tables tournament warhammer eventWarhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular tabletop games in the world. In fact, it’s so popular that there are actually tournaments for it!

Players from all over come together to battle it out for supremacy, and the competition is always fierce.

But what makes Warhammer 40,000 so popular? Well, there are a few things. For starters, it’s a really fun game.

It’s fast-paced and exciting, and there’s a lot of strategic depth to it. Plus, the models are just really cool. Who doesn’t want to collect an army of tiny plastic soldiers?

Another big factor in Warhammer 40,000’s popularity is its community. The game has a very passionate and dedicated fan base, who are always excited to discuss the latest news and developments.

When new players join the game, there’s always someone there to help them out and answer their questions.

Now in its 10th edition, released in June 2023, Warhammer 40,000 is a captivating wargame demanding strategic decisions on the tabletop. Find resources and guides in our dedicated category, catering to both veteran players and new hobbyists alike!

warhammer 40k

Born in 1987 as Warhammer 40,000 – Rogue Trader, the game envisions a grim future where humanity battles alien xenos races and Chaos. The Space Marines are a group of superhuman defenders who wield arcane weapons to protect the Imperium of Man.

Warhammer 40k encompasses a large universe setting filled with epic storytelling. You can read many of these stories in ebooks, short stories, and novels from the Black Library publishing arm. 

They have something for everyone, from stories of heroes and heroic victories to gritty crime drama and mind-bending mysteries that will challenge your imagination.

You can also join friends in epic battles at home or in dedicated gaming areas to experience the thrill of Warhammer 40k.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding hobby, why not give Warhammer 40,000 a try? You might find yourself getting hooked!