Psychic Awakening Pariah: Silent King & New Necrons RUMORS

By Wesley Floyd | April 10th, 2020 | Categories: Necrons, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

necrons hor walDon’t miss the latest rumors about the new Necrons units, the Silent King, and all sorts of background to 40k Psychic Awakening: Pariah.

Spotted on Dakkadakka, there is an interesting rumor thread about the possibility that Szeras, (and possibly the Silent King) could be getting the spotlight in Psychic Awakening: Pariah.

Psychic Awakening Pariah: Silent King & New Necrons RUMORS

psychic awakening pariah

InB4 Someone Says Ephrael Stern Is Getting the Spotlight

sisters of battle pariah ephrael stern and bodyguardWe know the Ephrael and her Harlequin Pariah buddy have already been hyped up with new models and a 20th anniversary Daemonifuge book. So when we say that Szeras might be getting the spotlight, we mean specifically for the Necron faction out of all the other characters.

Psychic Awakening Pariah: Could Szeras Be Bringing New Units Into the Fold?

szerasStick with us because the further we dive into this rumor, the more your mind is likely to be blown.

So to start off, let’s look at the latest thing people are saying on Dakkadakka:

rumor engine 11-26-19On the topic of this rumor engine we saw a while back,Oguhmek said:

So, the Silent King returns from beyond the edge of the galaxy with these new abominations – human blanks, kidnapped and dismembered, then implanted into a living metal body. On their backs they carry these pieces of Noctilith, to amplify their null fields.

Alternatively, since this is another rumour that is doing the rounds, it is the mad Cryptek Illuminator Szeras who is the one returning, with his deranged creations in tow.

Let’s just hope they get interesting rules and not just a -1 to cast psychic powers in a 9″ bubble or something else that is equally useless.

Right away, we know there’s been some interaction with the Silent King and his ‘Crons in the past. But as far as looking for someone to start playing around with technomancy, it would be Szeras. He’s the Fabius Bile of the Necrons after all.

Silent King & New Necrons

necronsAdding a little more weight to this, Szeras was mentioned as being the character that GW gives a new model/focuses on. Reaching back to November of 2019, Kirioth on YouTube mentioned Szeras as getting a new model. Hollownerox on Reddit also said:

…one thing that has stood out is the ever-increasing mention of the Technomandrites. The conclave of Crypteks behind most of the Crons’ insane weaponry and constructs, who were struck down by the Silent King.

First mentioned as kind of a footnote in 5th edition, 8th has been making ever more mentions of them. Culminating in Forgebane where it is said that The Silent King has called for them to return, and create anew. Thus it makes sense for Psychic Awakening to focus on Szeras, the premier Cryptek special character, if its related to this development. Since he is the sort to play around with his own body, having a big centerpiece model more suited for warfare would be reasonable.

Breaking Down the Rumor Engine From Above

rumor engine 11-26-19So we’ve got a bunch of different sources chiming in that Szeras is looking to be the best candidate for a new model. On top of the potential for his new model, with a Psychic Awakening title like “Pariah” it makes sense that we automatically think about the Necron Pariahs from way back in the day. As of right now, they don’t exist on the tabletop. 

Now, with all of this said, there’s a special point to be made about this rumor engine. In the lore, there are certain kinds of Crypteks called Technomandrites. They are basically the big brain Crypteks that can invent all kinds of crazy stuff that make other Crypteks’ inventions look like child’s play.

They were so powerful that the Silent King had to bring them down a peg. However, because Necrons love their protocols, the Great Rift that shook the galaxy might’ve caused them to be reactivated and lurking in the dark recesses of space. We know that Necrons have used a resource called Blackstone (otherwise called Noctilith) in the past that can somehow hold back the influence of chaos in a vicinity.

Someone in Gold is Back (Emperor or Silent King)?

Spotted in PA: Faith and Fury may be yet more clues:

psychic awakening blood of baal lore short 6

The interrogation of an Astropath looks to have led to the small poem in bold at the bottom. The King on his Throne, Gold, Old & Bold sound like he could be the Emperor. Which we knew from the last article, sounds like he COULD be awake, finally.

However, it also doesn’t rule on the Necron’s Silent King. He is also old as dirt, and when Dante met the Silent King a long time ago, he saw the Silent King wearing a golden mask to pay ode to Sanguinius. The Silent King also said he knew Sanguinius, which is neat.

Everything Looks Intertwined

necron army

  • Well, what is a Pariah? They’re psychic nulls that fell into the hands of Necrons and turned into chaff to help against influences from the Warp.
  • What’s that on the rumor engine that looks like a stone? It could very well be some Blackstone strapped to the back of a Pariah!

So far, everything looks to be linking up. Multiple sources are saying that Szeras is coming back in a new way. Plus, with the lore pointing out how Technomandrites were woken up by the Great Rift on top of how they love to use Blackstone, that rumor engine is looking pretty solid.

But don’t forget too that the Harlequin accompanying Ephrael Stern is also referred to as a Pariah as well.

What do you think that rumor engine belongs to? Would you like to see Szeras come to the tabletop with a new model? Or would you prefer to see the Silent King? 

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