Punishing The Wicked: Imperial Army of One

female inquisitor 1The Inquisition doesn’t just hire men to carry out the will of the Emperor, they will hire anyone with a burning desire to see his will done!

Check out one sick model brought to us by Obelisk Miniature Painting on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

“Lady Commissar all ready to enforce some morale!”

female inquisitor 1

If you think you’ll get away easier than with a male inquisitor, think again.

female inquisitor 1

Any Inquisitor will punish you just as bad for your crimes against humanity.

female inquisitor 1

“You can run, but you can’t hide!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!

About the Author: Joshua Dunkerly

I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.